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"words" - 806 õppematerjali

words - one or two alcoholic beverages per day- and reduced risk of heart disease as well as reduction in all-cause mortality.

Linking words

Adding and Contrasting Expressing cause / reason *and *but because as well as However, as besides Although since Moreover, despite This is why Furthermore, In spite of because of What is more, Nevertheless, Due to In addition, On the contrary, Owing to not only .... but also on the one hand For this reason, another point is that on the other hand, whereas Expressing effect / result relat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist


TRANSLATION Hea käitumise musternäidis- model of good behaviour Lastetoetus- child benefit Töötu abiraha- unemployment benefit Maksimaalselt kasu saama- maximum benefit Valikuid piirama- restrict choices Kaalutletud valik- deliberate choice Ettenägematud asjaolud- unforeseen circumstances Meist sõltumatud asjaolud- circumstances beyond our control Halvustatud märkused- nasty/derogatory comments Pöörane/absurdne kaebus- preposterous comment Halvad ilmastikuolud- adverse weather conditions Ta seisukord halvenes- His condition deteriorated Vältimatu tagajärg- inevitable consequence Nende kontrolli alt väljas- beyond their control Rasestumisvastased vahendid- birth control Ekspluatatsioonikulud- running costs Omast käest teadma- know to one's cost Terav kriitika- harsh criticism Täismaja (nt. teatris)- capacity crowd WORD FORMATION 1. Explain-explanation 2. Shake-unshakeable 3. Deep-depth 4. Lie-underlying 5. Success-unsuccessful 6. Go-u...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Modal words

MUST- tugev kohustus enda seisukohalt MUSTN'T- range keeld MUST HAVE IIIpv ­ kui ollakse peaaegu kindel millegi toimumises. HAD TO - kohustus ja vajadusminevikus HAVE TO - tugev kohustus teiste seisukohalt. DON'T HAVE TO, DIDN'T HAVE TO ­ pole kohustust DO/ DOES/ DID NOT NEED TO - millegi tegemine polnud vajalik NEED TO- vajadus midagi teha CAN ­ võimet midagi olevikus või tulevikus teha. CAN'T- kui ollakse kindel millegi ebatõenäosuses COULD ­ minevikus võime midagi teha COULD/MIGHT HAVE IIIpv- kui on võimalik et midagi toimus minevikus, aga selles ei olda päris kindel. SHOULD/OUGHT HAVE IIIpv- kui ollakse kindel et mingi sündmus on toimunud. Tahetakse väljendada et eeldatud sündmust tegelikult ei toimunud. SHOULD/ OUGHT NOT HAVE IIIpv- kõneleja arvates ei ole mingi sündmus toimunud. SHOULDN'T/ OUGHTN'T ­ midagi tõenäoliselt ei ole õige või ei juhtu. SHOULD- soovitus, peaksid OUGHT TO- kui tahetakse öelda, et midagi tõenäoliselt on õig...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

„The Hobbit“ or „There and Back Again“

„The Hobbit“ or „There and Back Again“ Words 1. Oozy – lämune - …worms and an oozy smell,… 2. Hobbit – kääbik - … particular hobbit… 3. Hushed – vaikisid - …and the family hushed it up… 4. Immovably – liikumatult - …settled down immovably. 5. Immense – tohutu - …and immense black boots. 6. Shady – varjuline - …of his shady hat. 7. Braces – traksid - …thumb behind his braces,… 8. Prosy – proosaline - …was not quite so prosy as he liked to … 9. Pantry – sahver - …as he went to the pantry.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What might attract tourists to Estonia?

What Might Attract Tourists to Estonia? What might attract tourists to Estonia? Definately sightseeing. Estonia is a beautiful country and theres alot to see. Tallinn is the most popular place for tourists to visit. Tourists will also like the friendly people of Estonia, and ofcourse they will like the beautiful girls in here too. Tallinn, as the capital of Estonia, has alot of tourist attractions. For instance tourists can take tours in Tallinn or visit the Old town and its colorful shops. In Tallinn tourists can see the beautiful Kadriorg park with its Swan Pond and the Baroque Catharina Palace. Not far from Kardiorg is the Song Festival Grounds. In Pirita they can see the Forest Cemetery, where many important Estonian public figures are buried. Tourist can also visit the ruins of St.Brigitta's Convent in Pirita, Maarjamae Palace, Russalka and the Memorial Monument of Estonia's Shipwreck. Popular places where tourists go are also ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

100 new words

1. Ceased Lakanud 2. Span Kaarelaius 3. Among Hulgas 4. Volume Kogus 5. Traffic Liiklus 6. Bonds Võlakirjad 7. Grants Toetused 8. Contemporary Kaasaegne 9. Landscape Maastik 10. Define Määratlema 11. Acclaimed Pälvinud 12. Magnificent Suurepärane 13. Enduring Püsiv 14. Exhibition Näitus 15. Principles Põhimõtted 16. Suspension Vedrustus 17. Sparked Tekitanud 18. Bascule Estakaad 19. Associate Liitlane 20. renowned Kuulus 21. Unprecedented Enneolematu 22. Bidders Pakkujad 23. Consolidation Ühendamine 24. Industry Tööstus 25. Competitors Võistlejad 26. Estimately Hinnanguliselt 27. Strands Tegevusvaldkond 28. Engineer Insener 29. Incorporated Asutatud 30. Respectively Vastavalt 31. Basis Alus 32. Manufactured Valmistatud 33. U...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Unit 4 words

Terraced house- a house in a row of similar houses joined together on both sides. The American word is row house Utility room- a small room in some houses that contains equipment such as a washing machine Virtually- used for emphasizing that a statement is almost completely true Winding- a winding road, river etc has a lot of bends in it Yard- a unit for measuring length. There are three feet or 36 inches in a yard. One yard is equal to 0.91 metres. Unit3 words Maintenance job- work that is done to keep something such as a building, machine, or piece of equipment repaired and in good condition Milk float- a small truck used for delivering milk to people's homes Obsessed- considering someone or something as so important that you are always thinking about them, in a way that seems extreme to other people Obstructions- something that blocks a path, passage, door etc so that it is difficult or

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
26 allalaadimist

150 new words

1. Latter ­ tagumine, viimane 2. Impend- tulekul olema 3. Credibility- tõsiseltvõetavus, usutavus 4. Rigorous- karm 5. Ostracize- tõrjuma 6. Decay- lagunema, kõdunema (bakteri või seene tõttu) 7. Encounter- kokku põrkama, kohtumine 8. Restorative- taastav 9. Prosthesis- protees 10. Longevity- pikaealisus, kestvusaeg 11. Plasticity- plastilisus, vormitavus (organismi võime kohaneda uue keskkonnaga) 12. Mastication- närimise, toidulagundamise protsess suus 13. Biocompatible- Kude mittekahjustav 14. Implement- rakendama, kasutusele võtma 15. Rational- mõistusepärane 16. Initiation- tõuge, aje 17. Odontogenesis- hamba areng 18. Counterpart- teisik, dublikaat 19. Confront- vastu astuma 20. Bone marrow- luuüdi 21. Imperative- kohustus 22. Taciturn- sõnaaher 23. Give rise to- põhjustama 24. Differentiate- eristuma, diferentseerima 25. Odontoblasts- rakud, mis sünteesivad dentiini 26. Enamel- hambaemail 27. Erupt- vallanduma 28. Formation- kuju...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
114 allalaadimist

Unit 5 words

Unit5 Words Offer- pakkuma Lay- asetama, katma Layer- kiht Container- nõu, anum Cardborad- kartong, papp Tight- tihe, tugev, tugevasti seotud Drive-in sissesõidu Board- laud tahvel Yard- jard(0,9144m) Trashcan- prügikast Refill- uuesti täitma Store- hoiule panema Steak praad Fried chicken kanapraad Menu menüü Dessert- magustoit Pie pirukas To specialise in spetsialiseeruma Counter lett Lid kaas Customer klient Extracharge lisatasu To be broud of olema ühke millegi üles Task 67 „to go“ means to take away The menu in a drive in restaurants is displayed on a board Plastic knives and forks are thrown into a trashcan after a meal Americans usually tip waitresses 15% In a coffee shop you can have extra cups of coffee for no extra charge Americans have deep freezers to store food Macdonalds specializes in fast food Hot drinks are in plastic cups with tight lids Task 68 Deep freeze- a fridge or a room , in which food is stored for a long ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Life of Dante, the Inferno of Dante

"shades," to remind us of the continuity of the Christian Hell and Virgil's pagan Hades. "Shades" are referred to as three-dimensional bodies, able to feel pain as if they were alive in solid ice and immobile, yet to have the intensity of fire. If Dante had tried to touch one of them, his hand would have met no physical resistance since the shades would melt into the air. Tate stands in awe of Dante's abilities to express such a large concept or picture in so few words. He says, "I believe we all wish we had been able not only to write better poems, but poems that say much more than we have been able to say, while at the same time seeming to say less."(452) In 1953, Jacques Maritain, a French philosopher, theologian, educator, and essayist, wrote "The Three Epiphanies of Creative Intuition", in his book, Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry. He wrote about how Dante's Divine Comedy is at the same time poetry of the song, poetry of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo The Count of Monte Cristo is an interesting tale about a sailor named Dantes who changes his whole persona in order to get back at his enemies. Dantes becomes a number of different people in order to carry out his plans. The changes Dantes went through made his different stages as a sailor and later as a mastermind of vengeance seem like day and night. Although Dantes seems very naïve at the beginning of the story, he becomes very sharp during his stay in jail. By the amount of detail and preciseness in his plans, Dantes as the Count can be looked as a mastermind. Much of Dantes' knowledge comes from the old, thought to be crazy, priest named Faria that taught him in prison. Faria was also responsible for much of Dantes character change due to his great power of reasoning. Because Faria had given him a treasure and a hunger for vengeance, Dantes was willing and had enough money and power to carry out revenge...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Linking words and phrases

linking words and phrases Sequence Result Emphasis · First / firstly, second / · So · Undoubtedly secondly, third / · As a result · Indeed thirdly etc · As a consequence · Obviously · Next, last, finally (of) · Generally · In addition, moreover · Therefore · Admittedly · Further / furthermore · Thus · In fact · Another · Consequently · Particularly / in · Also · Hence particular · In conclusion · Especially · Due to · Clearly · To summarise ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Essay: Crime is a Disease

Crime is a Disease Every day there are thousands of crimes commited in the world. People have different opinions what should be done with the criminals. Some say that as primitive people they need primitive punishment. Therefore they would just be sentenced a large fine or sent to jail. I think that just putting criminals in prison does not help neither does it change them. Thus, when they get out of prison or pay their fine, they usually tend to fall back to their old ways and commit another crime. Criminals have different backgrounds so they have different reasons for their deeds. Some come from broken homes, some may have been influenced by their friends, some may have commited a crime out of lifes circumstances, for example poverty, and some crimes might happen by an accident, by human error. During and after their imprisonment criminals should get some mental help. A psychologist could ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Letter of complaint

18th November 2007 Dear Sir, I am writing to inform you that the goods I ordered from your company have not been supplied correctly. I bought a pair of jeans from your a mail-order catalogue and I am very disappointed with them. Firstly, in catalogue was text whose describes this product. Actually this company are not the only in this country, which licenced to sell this top brand, because I have seen them in a local store too. Secondly, it was not excellent quality ­ just on the contrary, because the zip of jeans was broken. There were not available in all sizes. Or then why your company sent me wrong size? The problems do not stop here. I ordered black jeans, but you sent me blue ones. And your catalogue did not deliver the goods ­ my free T-shirt missed in my purchase, even thought each purchases must be including free T-shirt. Actually, it was not unbeatable pric...

Keeled → Inglise keel
179 allalaadimist

Book opinion To Kill A Mockingbird

Book opinion I read the book “To Kill A Mockingbird” written by Harper Lee, published in 1960. The books events take place in 1880’s Alabama. I really liked the book and I understand why it’s important for people- especially young people like high-schoolers to read this book. The book gives good insight on why we still have problems with racism around us and how much worse it was back in the 19th and 20th century. It has a good mixture of educational and historical topics and humour. Although many things are told the reader through metaphors, the meaning of the metaphor is often explained, as the book is told through a kid’s point of view. I would recommend this book to high schoolers, as it explains important topics that are still an issue to this day and it may be an eye- opening book to some people.

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

1000 words essay: Greenhouses

1000 words long essay about Greenhouses.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: key words


Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

150 words Academic English

· Sodium nitride- NaN · Coupling- liitekoht, ühendamine · Abnormality- ebanormaalsus · Covert- varjatud · Abrasion- hõõrumisjälg, kulumine · cross bit-kivipuur · Absolute value- absoluutväärtus · Database-andmebaas · Abstain-hoiduma · dependable-usaldusvrne · accomplish -saavutama · Domestic- kodumaine · Accumulate- koguma · Epicure- epikuurlane · Acrimonious- vihane, kibestunud · Erupt- vallanduma · Acute angle- teravnurk · ethical-eetiline · Advantage-eelis · Evaporate-aurustuma · Advent- saabumine · Extracellular- rakuväline · Agenda-pevakord · Feedback-tagasiside · akin- sugulane · Fertile-viljakas · Aldehyde- aldehüüd · flank-külg · Alongside- kõrvuti ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Linking words for essays

Linking words for essays Introduction It is often said that ... There are advantages and disadvantages concerning ... Some people said that ... It is true that ... Body of the essay Firstly, ... Secondly, ... To begin with, ... To start with, ... In addition, ... For example Also, ... Finally, ... After all, ... Last but not least, ... One major advantage is ... A further advantage is ... Furthermore, ... On the one hand, ... On the other hand, ... However, ... By the way, ... And But Because Therefore Moreover Besides Although In fact That is why Whereas Conclusion To sum up, ... To conclude, ... In conclusion, ... Expressing your own opinion In my opinion ... Personally, I belive that ... It seems to me that ... I can honestly say that ... I agree with the statement that ... I disagree ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Words on unit 4D

Words & expressions 1) A generous nationhelde rahvas 2) A polar bearjääkaru 3) A social disastersotsiaalne katastroof 4) Connected through charityühendatud läbi heategevuse 5) Continuing economic problemsjätkuvad majanduslikud probleemid 6) Daytoday workigapäevane töö 7) Economists rely on sthmajandusteadlased tuginevad millegi 8) Endangered speciesohustatud liigid 9) Extreme weather eventsekstreemsed ilmastikunäitajad 10) Halfway around the worldpooleldi ümber maailma 11) In conclusionkokkuvõttes 12) In the fight for resourcesvõitluses resursside pärast 13) It's doubled to more than a billionsee on kahekordistunud rohkem kui miljardile 14) Life on our planetelu meie planeedil 15) Limited to onepiiratud ühele 16) Nevertheless,...kuid siiski, sellegipoolest 17) On the EarthMaal 18) People ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Article: Estonians

Estonians... Estonia is quite a northern country and therefore Estonians may seem a bit peculiar to ones from south, but don't be scared, they will not eat you (alive). Estonians are quite tranquilly and bottled up people - they might love or hate you and if you're not an expert will not make a difference as they didn't care at all. Rarely tend they to kiss or hug each other unless their beloved ones. So if they nevertheless do it then there's a great chance you're dealing with some non- Estonians. But there's no reason for worrying- if a person is from a region where that kind of over-loving-behaviour is common and he or she practices it anyway then a bathetic Estonian will just bear it and play along. In case of visiting like in many other European countries in Estonia it's also polite to bring some presents with you, usually a box of chocolate or something like that will do the trick. To greet "Tere!" is the word you won't get wron...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Idealization of nature in Romantic poetry

Idealization of Nature in Romantic Poetry One of the main characteristics of romanticism in general is the constant praising of nature and connecting it with almost everything. As the second half of the 18 th century was the time of the industrial revolution, urbanization and mankind's distancing from nature in every way, it is not surprising that as a result it became more and more important to and valued by people ­ it had suddenly become something remote and far from everyday life, somewhat a luxury. The utmost way this luxury manifests in romantic poetry is nature's ability to help whoever takes the time to value its divinity get in touch with themselves and get away from everything that might influence their way of acting. Nature provides the ideal atmosphere and surroundings to do this ­ in the opinion of romantic poets, it is the very best place to come to when in need of solitude or an answer to personal or social conflicts....

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Descrpition of two girls

Julia She is a young adult, at 19 years of age, but she looks a bit older than her age. She is curvaceous, with an hour-glass figure. She is a red-head ­ with wavy red hair, that she most of the time wears in the bun. She also has freckles on her face and arms. Her face is heart-shaped with high cheekbones. She has big round and green eyes. Her eyebrows are arched. She has a narrow nose with a little birthmark near it. She has full lips and they are usually smiling. Kate She is in her teens, 15 years old. She's quite tall and a little plump. Her hair is straight, but thick and heavy. She has an oval face with high cheekbones. Her skin is smooth and tanned. She has grey almond-shaped eyes with thick lashes and her eyebrows are arched. Her lips are pursed, though she's usually talking and laughing. She also has a birthmark on the right side above the lip. She has a broad nose and regular teeth. Her chin is a little bit pointed.

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Key words for fluency A

clear account, fascinating account, graphic definite account, full account APOLOGY Ex3. Faithful, eye- witness, hair-raising, Ex1. Expect, owe, give, demanded, make, offered humorous, sketchy, moving Ex2. Sincere, full, formal, belated, heartfelt, ACTION profound, public, abject Ex1. Demanding, explain, put...into, take, swing Ex3. Letter, full, way, words into, condone APPROVAL Ex2. Prompt, whatever, drastic, disciplinary, joint, Ex1. Give, need showed, win, seek, met with evasive Ex2. Full, official, grudging, unanimous, prior, Ex3. Need for, implications of, responsible for, widespread plan of, result of, course of Ex3. Seal, roar, sign, nod ACTIVITY Ex4

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keel 9.klass Unit 9 words

fame-kuulsus employ-tööle võtma, tööd andma,( tööd alustama) qualification-kvalifikatsioon, erial. ettevalmistus part-time work/job-osalise tööajaga töö full-time work/job-täispika tööajajga, põhikohaga töö payment-tasu specific-eriline, spetsiifiline self-employed-füüsilisest isikust ettevõtja, FIE CV-elulookirjeldus, curriculum vitae Rescue-päästmine; päästma career lesson-kutsenõustamise tund vocational-kutsehariduse- course-kursus vocational course-kutseõpe college-kolledz factory-vabrik praise-kiitus; kiitma peace of mind-meelerahu disappointment-pettumus rapidly-kiiresti demand-nõudlus; nõudmine; nõudma massive-hiigelsuur version-variant, versioon underage-alaealine founder-asutaja, rajaja personally-isiklikult select-valima establish-kehtestama alcohol-alkohol guideline-juhtnöör, suunis gap-auk, tühimik innovative-uuenduslik innovator-uuendaja entrepreneur-ettevõtja salary-töötasu, palk reference-(tööotsija) soovitaja; soovituski...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Key Words for Fluency L-O

LIMIT Ex1. 1. Searching 2. Commit 3. Lose 4. Jog 5. Ex1. 1. Set 2. Lowered 3. Exceed 4. Reached 5. Bring back 6. Blot out 7. Etched 8. Put..behind Impose 6. Test 7. Know Ex2. 1. Terrible 2. Fond 3. Hazy 4.earliest 5. Ex2. 1. Spending limits 2. Speed limit 3. Time Living 6. Distant 7. Painful 8. Short- term limit 4. Age limit 5. Credit limit 6. City limits Ex3. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A Ex3. 1. F 2. H 3. A 5. D 6. G 7. E 8. C METHOD LOOK Ex1. 1. Adopt 2. Work 3. Used 4. Fails 5. Devised Ex1. 1. Seen 2. Gave 3. Tell 4. Spoil 5. Like 6. 6. Recommend Has Ex2. 1. Traditional 2. infallible 3. Popular 4. Ex2. 1. B 2. D 3. E 4. F 5. G 6. A 7. C 8. H Reliable 5. Unorthodox 6. Practical 7. Effective Ex3. 1. Had 2. Took 3. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Key Words for Fluency F-K

FACTS Ex1. 1. Create 2. Tarnished 3. Improve 4. Change Ex1. 1. Retain 2. Gives 3. Stick to 4. Distorting 5. 5. Shed 6. Project Based on Ex2. 1. Stereotyped 2. New 3. Public 4. Staid and Ex2. 1. Useless 2. Interesting 3. Necessary 4. stuffy 5. Clean 6. Right Well- known 5. Hard 6. Disturbing Ex3. 1. Captured 2. Appear 3. Blot out 4. Ex3. 1. Of 2. In 3. For 4. Of 5. From 6. Despite Produces 5. Conjures up 6. Projected Ex4. 1. Get your facts right 2. Face the facts 3. IMPACT The facts of life 4. A statement of fact Ex1. 1. Have 2. Make 3. Minimise 4. Assess 5. FAILURE Felt 6. Lost Ex1. 1. Feel 2. Crticised 3. Ended in 4. Blame 5. Ex2. 1. Major 2. Detrimental 3. Lasting 4. Admit 6. Put... down to Immediate 5. N...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Linking Words and Phrases - õppematerjal

everyone is frustrated. To sum up, some improvements in the middle school program need to be made. To conclude, I want to wish you all a very happy holiday season. There was a malfunction in the smoke machines and lights, the curtains would not open and close properly, and one of the actors was sick with no stand-in. In conclusion, the play was a disaster. Words that REPEAT information · in fact · in other words · once again · to put it another way · to repeat That area is very dangerous for you to bike in. To repeat, I warn you not to go there. Lisa decided not to go to King Islands. In fact she told me, "No, way." I feel that our last Student Council meeting did not go well. In other words, it was a fine mess. Sally has lost an oar on her boat and she is in big trouble. Well, to put it another way, Sally has to find another way to row or she will sink! Words that show COMPARISON · as ..

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
122 allalaadimist

10. klassi Unit 8 words

Words Unit 8 beef veiseliha snails teod veal vasikaliha raw toores lamb lambaliha boiled keedetud chicken kana steamed aurutatud pork sealiha fried praetud game metsloomaliha grilled grillitud turkey kalkun baked küpsetatud tuna tuunikala pickled marineeritud salmon lõhe beat eggs cream lahti klopitud munad, kreem cod tursk peel potatoes kartuleid koorima trout forell stir soup suppi segama pike haug sieve flour jahu sõeluma eel angerjas grate chees...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

FCE Result Words and Phrases

peak (n) peanut (n) peck (v) pedal-powered (adj) pedestrian (n) peel (v) 20 peer (v) penniless (adj) perfectly (adv) performance-enhancing drug (n) period (n) permanent (adj) persistence (n unc) personable (adj) personality (n) personally (adv) perspective (n) petition (n) phase out (phr v) phenomenon (n) philanthropist (n) phobia (n) pie (n) piercing (n) pigeon (n) pile (n) pillow (n) pine (n) pioneer (n) pitch (n) plain (adj) plain (n) plant (v) platform (n) play on words (phr) plot (n) plug (n) plus (prep) pointless (adj) poisonous (adj) poker (n) police custody (n unc) policy (n) ponder (v) pool (n) porridge (n) port (n) portion (n) portrait (n) pose a problem (idm) pose as (v) posh (adj) possessed (adj) postmark (n) 21 postpone (v) potent (adj) potential (adj) potential (n) pour (v) power cable (n) precaution (n) precious (adj) precise (adj) preconception (n) predator (n) predictable (adj) pregnancy (n) press (n unc)

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Why read? essay

Why read? Everybody has their own reasons for reading. Reading has been the main entertainment for centuries, although, nowadays people read less and less. It is probably due to the fact that in our modern world we have television and internet. Most of people are mainly reading for entertainment. They think that reading is a good way to spend their time and moreover, they find it also very useful. Secondly, in addition that reading is interesting it is also the best way to get information. We can read about other cultures or even learn languages from books. Reading widens our horizon and makes us wise. There are lots of reasons for reading. Every group such as students or grownups have their main reasons. Students read because they have obligatory literature. Some of them read beacause they want to get a good mark and some, however, truly like reading because they find it fascinating. Whereas reading is interesting, it is also beneficia...

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Complaint letter

Dear Sir or Madam, 6 October 2009 I am writing to complain about repetitious delays in rail service last week and to claim the vouchers you have referred in your information leaflet. Whereas all my classes in London start at 10 o'clock sharp and I do not want to be late because I have paid for these I always check the schedule for the most convenient choice of train. Nevertheless last week all my journeys to my course delayed. On the worst day the train was 1 hour and 20 minutes late. Therefore I missed two classes in addition to numerous delays and loss of nerves. Although I understand that the weather conditions last week were extremely complicated the deferments should have been prevented, because that is quite predictable especially in October. As you have proposed in your information leaflet, which I picked up from the station, I requi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Summary Education

Education The education system is a little bit different in the UK than ours. For example they have go to school 2 years earlier than us. Primary school is for pupils aged 5-11. Though schooling is only compulsory from age 5 in the UK, children most commonly enter Reception Class aged 4 in the academic year in which they will reach their 5th birthday. When pupils are aged 7 they sit Key Stage 1 [SATs]. Key Stage 2 SATs are taken when pupils are aged 11. Secondary school is for pupils aged 11-16. 11-13 years old pupils study a broad range of 10–15 subjects. No public examinations are taken during this time. Traditionally, at the age of 14 students start a programme that lasts for 2 years and during which time they study up to 11 subjects of their choice. After this students take GCSE state examinations After 16 attending at school isn't compulsory but pupils can stay at school, go to coll...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
1 allalaadimist

English essay

Living in the country has acquired certain reputation, that indicates dirtiness, dullness and uncoiseness with a life in the countryside. True, that a life in the city may seem more entertaining, rapid and fastinating, but it's only an illusion which is brought out due to the commotion in the city. But life in the countryside is more healthy due to the unpolluted air, possibility to evolve agriculture and an elbowroom in which one can dabble sports. One negative side effect accompanies living in the country is absense of infrastructures. Many important institutions locate too far and due to that transportation is an important subject while living in the country. To sum up, living in the city is comfortable but noisy and living in the country is peaceful but time-consuming.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sõnade derivatsioon e. tuletamine - Words derivation

Words derivation LÕPUD: Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Prefix & Sufix -ation -ise/-ize -ing -ly dis- -ence -en -ive ir- -ion en- -able im- -ance -ate -y -il -age -fy -ed in- -er -ical un- -ing -ant over- -ness -ent out- -ity -en under- -ition -ous -ment -ful -hood -ible -ship -less -ist ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Key words for fluency D-E

DANGER DIFFERENCE Ex1. 1. Realise 2. Exposed to 3. Reduce 4. Flirt Ex1. 1. C 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. A with 5. Passed 6. Face Ex2 . 1. Subtle 2. Irreconcilable 3. Real 4. Striking Ex2. 1.e 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 5. No 6. Fundamental Ex3. 1. To 2. Of 3. To 4. Of Ex3. 1. B 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. D Ex4. 1. Reminder 2. Whiff 3. Element 4. Face 5. Ex4. 1. Between 2. In 3. To 4. With Aware 6. Possibility DIFFICULTY Ex5. 1. The world's rainforests are in danger of Ex1. 1. Get into 2. Overcome 3. Isin/has got into being cut down 2. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in 4. Caused 5. Present 6. Foresee danger of falling down 3. The Polar Ice Cap is in Ex2. 1. Technical 2. Marital 3. Main 4. Financial danger of melting 4. Venice is in danger of 5. Learning 6. Curre...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Essay, letter unit 8, 150 words

Dear Colleagues, Nimi Rühm Unit 8 I am writing to you with a big problem. In our company some persones dont get a Email from me. I've got a lot of feedbacks, where you some of you said about : Why I didnt get a email, if half of them got. So now a little bit more about email's. I wrote down some tips: If the email didn't come to you ­ CHECK Spam box. Susan has found out that all my emails are exactly in spam box. Another thing can be that your given address is old and you have been changed it to new one, it means come to my office and lets check together your information. Because I figured out that Michel and Sandra used a new email, but I had an old one. Hope that this tips will help you ...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Tess of the d'urbervilles

Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Guilty or Not? The story is about an ordinary young woman who encounters insurmountable obstacles but is responsible for creating none. From the beginning it can be understood that she doesn't have the right to express her opinion and if she had, would she dare to. It all begins with Tess following her father's wishes to make contact to the D'Urbervilles, because she has to manage to deal with an intrusive young man and because of her lack of experience she ends up being pregnant and alone. This kind of situation was not approved at her time and the villagers turned against her. When the baby was born and after a while died, Tess felt no emotions or feelings. There was nothing to keep her home and so she left in hope to find a place where no one knew of her sorrowful life. When she meets Angel Clare she tries to ignore her love for him, because she feels that this wo...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Price of Everlasting Youth Everlasting youth is something that people value most when they are already older. But Dorian captured the ideal moment which he wanted to be eternal. His decision was influenced by Harry's ideas and the portrait of him where he saw how beautiful he was. Dorian wished that he could remain young forever and his portrait would get older. Harry was a friend of Basil's, the artist who painted Dorian's picture, and he had quite peculiar ideas of life. He told Dorian that youth is the most relevant in life and that everyone should enjoy it. Basil knew that Harry wouldn't be good influence for young boy, but he wasn't able to prevent their encounter. Over time Harry's ideas fix in Dorian's mind and he changes into someone that he was not like before. When his first love, Sibyl Vane, who was an actress in a cheap theatre, disappoints him, he is very callous towards her whi...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Key Words Upper Intermediate Book with key

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Hotellimajanduse erialased inglise keelsed sõnad

Dennis R. Lillicrap & John A. Cousins Foof and Beverage, 1994 WORDS (pp. 140-148, 246-247, 287-289) 1. a constant standard- pidev standard 2. a cruet- maitseainetops 3. a disposable filter- ühekordne filter 4. a fine powder- (peen) pulber 5. a glass container with a lip- tilaga klaasanum 6. a goblet- pokaal 7. a heaped teaspoonful- kuhjaga teelusikatäis 8. a jug of cream- koorekann 9. a level dessertspoonful- triiki magustoidulusikatäis 10. a napkin- riidest salvrätik 11. a new brew of coffee- uus kohvilaar 12

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Unit 2 words - While there's life, there's hope

Unit 2 SB p 20-21 – While there’s life, there’s hope engagement – kihlus move house – majja kolima, kolimine 3.retirement – pensionile jäämine 4.graduation – lõpetamine 5.a wedding – pulm 6.scared – hirmunud 7.thrilled – põnevil 8.excited – erutunud 9.worried – murelik 10.disappointed – pettunud 11.irritated – ärritunud 12.a divorce – lahutus 13.personal – isiklik injury – vigastus 15.narrow – lähedal be absorbed in – süvenenud olema the field(s) of - mingil alal 18.anatomy – anatoomia 19.speech – kõne invent – leiutama invention – leiutis be involved in – kaasatud olema 23.several – mitu create – looma 25.a sign language – viipekeel 26.visible –...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Teaching the Vocabulary of the Text

Teaching the Vocabulary of the Text The Summary is based on the text taken from the Journal `The News letter' written by David Cranmer. Principal among the reasons is the obvious one that once the extensive context is understood, it is easier to concentrate on the detail of individual words. Large-scale vocabulary building is, in general terms, therefore better done after the text has been presented. (Cranmer 1986:60) Another important reason is that it is possible at this stage to exploit the new lexis in its own right, not just as a means comprehension, If we are to bring new vocabulary into active use and not just passive understanding, it is not sufficient for us just to teach it. It should be done in a way, so that teachers should be sure that it is learnt and used

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Universally speaking And there's a light on Heavy glow I saw your face By the way I tried to say Elegant and tired I'd be there... waiting for Cut up from the chase Dani the girl Still I so admired is singing songs to me Bloodshot your smile Beneath the marquee... overload Delicate and wild Give me she wolf style Rip right thru me Steak Knife Caro Shark Con Job Boot Cut [Pre-chorus] Silveretta the jets of a lifetime Skin that flick Go and get her ive got her on my mind She's such a little DJ Nothing better then feeling is so fine Get there quick Simply put I saw love stream flow By street but not the freeway turn that trick ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Report about Steffani Pizza Restaurant

Report To: David Carlisle From: Mart Mets Date: 11th December 2013 Subject: Steffani Pizza Restaurant Introduction The purpose of this report is to highlight some good and bad points of Steffani Pizza Restaurant. In order to prepare this report I handed out to their recent customers questionnaires in order to get the most recent data. Good points of Steffani Pizza Restaurant Firstly, I have to point out that the customers are very satisfied with the prices and they are probably willing to pay higher prices, if Steffani wants to raise the prices. There is something specail about the atmosphere, because my research show that people spend there about two times more than in other eating places in Pärnu. Secondly, I have to mention that the food is quite delicious. Bad points of Steffani Pizza Restaurant The biggest problem with Steffani seems to be their workers. Actually they are in despe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kirjutis/writing, core values

Unit 1 Writing Our company's core values are to provide quality products at affordable prices and make sure that the ingredients in products are safe and natural. We recognize environmental issues and never knowingly create a product that is harmful to the environment, we don't use animal testing and our manufacturing supports wind power. Nature's Care aims to foster the staff's development. For the employees of Nature's Care we provide a pleasant working environment and supply training oppurtunities and perks. Customers are very important to us so we treat each customer as an individual and try to make every person who shops with us feel important and valued. Nature's Care recognizes that these days customers value more natural products, so we monitor current trends and move quickly to fill gaps in the market.

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Dorian Gray

Mari-Liis Luukas Dorian Gray ­ the Prince of Everlasting Youth The novel which describes the life story of Dorian Gray is out of the ordinary. It might have been a long time ago when it was written, but I haven't heard of a similar idea such as the starting point of the events. In the beginning Dorian was a young undamaged simple boy and I think that Basil was right to have the wish to prevent Dorian meeting Harry. When Dorian hears the ideas that Harry has for life of pleasure, beauty and youth, he adopts them immediately. As he sees his portrait, Dorian becomes aware of his beauty and says the fateful wish that if only he could remain young and the portrait would become old. The first sign that his wish had become true is seen when Dorian is very heartless and rude to Sibyl Vane, an actress to whom he wanted to marr...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
31 allalaadimist

Somerset Maugham "French Joe" kokkuvõte!!

soup in Thursday Island. He mentioned that he spoke French and Captain Bartlett asked me to go and see French Joe. French Joe was 93 years old and lived in a hospital for last two years, not because he was ill, but because he was old and poor. He was in really big flannel pyjamas, but he was a little shrivelled man with bright eyes. He was a Corsican, but he had dwelt so many years among english-speaking people that he couldn't speak his native language accurately. He used English words with French terminations. Joe talked very quickly and with wide gestures and his voice was mostly clear and strong, but sometimes it faded away like a sound from the grave. His real name was Joseph de Paoli, he was a nobleman and a gentleman. He was in the same family with Boswell's Johnson, but he had never read Boswell or any books. Napoleon Boaparte was his relative. Joseph had entered the French army in 1851, which was 71 years ago. As a lieutenant of artillery

Keeled → British literature
9 allalaadimist


YOU WILL HEAR: To get to the post office, cross the street, go three blocks, and you'll see it right on the corner. YOU WILL SEE: (A) The post office is right on the corner. (B) The post office is at the next corner. (C) The post office has a cross near it. (D) The post office is three blocks away. The correct choice is, which most closely gives the same meaning as the sentence you heard. It is important for you to know that if similar sounding words or the same words appear in an answer choice, that answer choice is seldom correct. Short Dialogs Part B contains short dialogs followed by a question about what the people said in their conversation. Generally, key information is found in the second speaker's sentence. You will need to understand the meaning of the conversation and also the context , such as the time or place in which it could occur. The correct choice directly answers the question. YOU WILL HERE: (Man Did you get to go shopping last night'

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children There is a saying that „we do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.“ Nowadays people don not think about it and are ruining the planet. There are researches which say that the human life on Earth will go extinct within a century. Eventually the Earth will become uninhabitable. People cannot change the past but their actions affect the future. One of the ways how people are affecting the lives of future generations is increasing pollution. Clean air and water are the most valuable resources, but they are getting more and more polluted. For example the air in China is so polluted that people need to wear masks. The pollution of water kills hundreds of thousands of water animals and birds. Some of the big companies have accepted the problem and are taking action. For example M...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun