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"platform" - 133 õppematerjali


Using Blogs as a Platform in the TEFL

UNIVERSITY OF TARTU DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Using Blogs as a Platform in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Research paper Tartu 2010 ABSTRACT This work analyses the usefulness of blogging in teaching English as a foreign language. The definition of the term `blog' is provided along with the advantages and disadvantages of blogs' usage in practice. The analysis of language skills developed by students throughout the use of blogs

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Raudteejaam haapsalus

Raudteejaam haapsalus The train connection between Tallinn and Haapsalu started in 1905 and was disrupted in 1995,which makes it symbolic in more ways than one that the Estonian Railway Museumis in Haapsalu. It was here that the railways of tzarist Russia began. The railway station building was built into the resort town, favoured by the tzarist family and nibility of Russia, according to a special project: in order to keep the crowned heads away from rain or other weather conditions, the unique 216 meter long platform was covered with a roof in its entirety. The train station includes a passanger building, an imperial pavilion and a passage connecting both. In addition to the unique passanger building, the most notable exhibits of the museum include old trains and engines, the storage building, the water tower, a depot, the revolving bridge and the houses of the railway workers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Entry ticket week 39 - Ave Nurmeots

o Channel – making use of the rise of the Internet, they made the MS Office web-compatible. 3. What is the industry that your MA1 project operates within? Which types of innovation are used in that industry by your competitors?  Our MA1 project operates within the Education industry.  Our competitors use various e-learning sources (e.g. Library, different school already have their own systems). But we don’t know of any similar platform in Denmark. 4. Why is it important to challenge convention?  For a long time many companies and organizations have been doing things the same way (work schedules, company structures, taking care of the finances, etc.). But in today’s dynamic and rapidly changing world that doesn’t make sense anymore. The companies and organizations should think outside of the box and try to come up with innovative solutions to

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Fu Mingxia

demonstrated remarkable poise and body control.  Instead, they suggested she pursue diving, though Fu, only about seven years old at the time, could not swim.  Through a strenuous training program, Fu learned to set aside her fears and progressed quickly.  At times, Fu practiced 100 dives a day. 1992 Summer Olympics Barcelona China's Fu Mingxia competed in a preliminary round in women's 10 meter Platform Diving Career  In 1990, Fu made her international diving debut.  By 1991, Fu was talented enough to attend the diving world championships, held in Perth, Australia.  In April 1992, she won the gold on the springboard at the Chinese international diving tournament in Shanghai. Awards  1990 Goodwill Games – 10m platform 1st (11 years old)  1992 Olympic Games – 10m platform 1st (14 years old)  1994 World Swimming Championships –

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Social media information and data collection and security

After it is organized, an algorythm or AI will calculate the needed outcome, whether it is used to display certain ads to certain people or suggust likeable pages or articles. Thanks to the big data we see annoying ads in side of our feeds, which feature the sneakers we once looked in some online store. Big data is used against us. But does all social media platforms collect data? What information popular platforms collect? Lets start with the biggest, baddest social media platform – Facebook. Facebook according to Pew research center, 79% of internet users use Facebook in USA. I guess it is a lot when it comes to specific social platform. Since there are over 1,86 billion active Facebook users, a lot of data is generated. Facebook states on their official webpage that they collect all sorts of data. They collect content and information that user provides when using their services(posting, liking, sharing, posting…), location of the device or browser, how users

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Eiffel Tower

structure is 325 m high (since 2000), which is equivalent to about 81 levels in a conventional building. Structure The metal structure of the Eiffel Tower weighs 7,300 tonnes while the entire structure including non-metal components is approximately 10,000 tonnes. The top of the tower may shift away from the sun by up to 18 cm because of thermal expansion of the metal The tower sways 6-7 cm in the wind Inside the Tower Steps At the first platform the stairs continue up from the east tower and the third level summit is only accessible by lift. The actual count of stairs includes 328 steps to the first level, 340 steps to the second level and 18 steps to the lift platform on the second level. When exiting the lift at the third level there are 15 more steps to ascend to the upper observation platform. Overview Shape of the tower Eiffel and his engineers, as renowned bridge builders however, understood the

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Süsteemiteooria ja võrgustikuteooria debatt.

Süsteemiteooria Alla Pikkas Süsteem Seotud objektid – ühine eesmärk Hästi korraldatud info liikumine Süsteemi komponendid on element, sidemed, funktsioonid ja piirid Süsteemne lähenemine • Terviklikkus • Sihikindlus • Üldistatud vaade • Otsuste mõju Süsteemide tüübid Avatud süsteem Keskkon d Süsteem Protse Väljun Sisend ss d Keskkond Süsteemi omadused • Struktuur • Käitumine • Vastastikune seotus • Omab funktsioone või funktsioonide komplekse Võrgustiku teooria Marleen Reemann “A network theory of power” Manuel Castells, 2011 NetworkingPower Network Power Networked Power Network-making Power Operatsioonisüsteemid Ükski ökosüsteem ei ole “saar” Klienti ei huvita, kes on tema appi looja APP=TEENUS ARGUMENDID  Koostöö võrgustikes võimendab innovatsi...

Varia → Uurimistöö alused
11 allalaadimist

Teemakontroll (klassidiagrammid ja Zachmani tugiraamistik)

1. Küsimused a) Zachmani tugiraamistik Zachmani tugiraamistik – 1990 John A. Zachman. Kirjeldab valdkonna infosüsteemi üldist ülesehitust ja arhitektuuri. Mudel infosüsteemile endale. Saab rakendada igale ärivaldkonnale sõltumata suurusest, „Puhtale valdkonnale“ ja (IT) infrastruktuurile. Veerud vastavad põhiküsimustele: Mis? Kuidas? Kus? Kes? Millal? Miks? Read vastavad süsteemitöö põhilistele osapooltele-huvigruppidele: juhtkond, tippjuhid, planeerijad, ärimõistete omanikud, arhitekt-disainerid, ehitaja-tehnoloogid, tehnikud, ülalhoidjad. „Puhas valdkond“ - 2 ülemist rida. IT infrastruktuur alates kolmandast allapoole. MDA (Model Driven Architecture) mudelitüübid: CIM (Computing Independent Model) – teine rida PIM (Platform Independent Model) – kolmas rida ...

Informaatika → Modelleerimine
11 allalaadimist

Denotative and connotative meanings in motion graphics text

Line between these two is a bit blurred. Animation often is only giving life to the characters and scenery. Also, it can be done in real world with physically created sets. Motion graphics on the other hand can be only created in digital world and could include animation. But also there are more two very important aspects ­ desing and cinematohraphy. Therefore when talking about motion graphics it means moving graphycally created elements in a beatiful way. Motion graphics is pretty recent platform compared to a graphical design for example. It evolved after computers were invented, hence it is only possible to it on computer. In modern times motion graphic is used almost everywhere ­ feature film, advertising, short films, presentations, live shows/concerts, games etc. It is promising platform. Because it is often hidden or people dont really acknowledge it, i thought it would be interesting to analyse a motion graphic piece from semiotic point of view.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Hitler- early years

the dangers of Communism and Jews German Worker’s Party • Hitler was sent to investigate this group in Munich in 1919. • He went to a meeting and gave a speech. • He was them asked to become a member, which he did NAZI Party is Formed • Hitler began to think big for the German Worker’s Party • Began placing ads for meetings in anti-Semitic newspapers • Hitler changed the name to National Socialist German Worker’s Party or the NAZIS Party Platform • Hitler drafted a platform of 25 points • Revoke Versailles Treaty • Revoke civil rights of Jews • Confiscate Besides changing the party name, the any war profits red flag with the SWASTIKA was adopted as the party symbol Beer Hall Putsch • October 30, 1923 • Hitler held a rally in Munich beer hall and declared revolution • Led 2000 men in take over of Bavarian Government • It failed and Hitler

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


design and construction Visual management Building information modelling Project management Lean construction Promise based management Web services and Service oriented architecture (SOA) Growing interest in identifying synergies between BIM and lean construction principles + Concept A production management system that: Uses BIM as the visual platform and lean construction principles as the process enabler Integrates project related information using web services. To be used by construction team including the key supply chain stakeholders End user interface is the key Various user interfaces to assist in processes such as Reverse phase scheduling, Lookahead planning, weekly planning Day-to-day task management, including project monitoring and control

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

OS põhiteenused, Androidi struktuur, Androidi käsurea kasutamine

ÕPIVÄLJUND Teoreetiline töö Juhendaja: 2015 Õpiväljund 1 OS põhiteenused  Programmide salvestamine operatiivmällu. Programm laetakse mällu ning seejärel käivitatakse.  I/O operatsioonid – Programmid ei saa iseseisvalt suhelda välisseadmetega (füüsiliste esemetega ehk riistvaraga). I/O operatsioon aitab programmidel suhelda välisseadmetega.  Failisüsteemi manipuleerimine – Aitab luua faile, kustutada neid, lugeda ning kirjutada. Aitab kaasa kataloogioperatsioonidele.  Side – Vahetab andmeid erinevate protsesside vahel, nii sama arvutiga kui ka teiste arvutitega. Andmete vahetamine realiseeritakse teadete saatmisega või jagatud mäluga  Vigade avastamine – protsessori, mälu, I/O seadmete ja kasutajaprogrammide vigade avastamine ja neile r...

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

Arvuti operatsioonisüsteem

Operatsioonisüsteemide tüübid Operatsioonisüsteeme võib liigitada mitmeti. reaalajasüsteemid ajajaotussüsteemid Pakktöötlussüsteemid hajustöötlussüsteemid üldotstarbeline süsteem Operatsioonisüsteemide ehitus Võib eristada järgmisi operatsioonisüsteemi mooduleid: Kernelehk tuum Mälusuperviisor Operaatoriliides Seadmete juhtimine Ülesande juhtimise programmid Viited Wikipedia OS Platform Statistics Meelis Roosi ja Varmo Vene operatsioonisüsteemide loengute materjalid. UGU Unix Flavors 26.02.2012 Tänan tähelepanu eest!

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
15 allalaadimist

Japanese festivals

fits perfectly, and no pair but the original pair can do so. Families generally start to display the dolls around mid-February and take down the platforms immediately after the festival. Superstition says that leaving the dolls out past March 4 will result in a late marriage for the daughter. Placement The Kant region and Kansai region have different placement orders of the dolls from left to right, but the order of dolls per level are the same. The term for the platform in Japanese is hina dan. The layer of covering is called dankake or simply hi-msen a red carpet with rainbow-striped at the bottom. First platform The top tier holds two dolls, known as imperial dolls. These are the Emperor holding a ritual baton and Empress holding a fan. The words dairi means "imperial palace", and hina means "girl" or "princess". The dolls are usually placed in front of a gold folding screen bybu.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Nõmme Railwaystation

Nõmme Railwaystation Roos-Marie Lunden Tallinna Nõmme Gümnaasium 5B Nõmme Railwaystation was opened 1872. It was called: ,,Peatus Seitsmendal Verstal". Since 1874 it is called Nõmme Railwaystation. In 1888 were built wooder platform and awning. Tickets were sold in a watch-house across the platvorm. In 1912 the awning was demolished and new one was built. In 1924 new electric raywayline was opened, that helped Nõmme´s growth and debelopment. In 1932 an other raywayline was built. The secon World War stopped the traffic of the electric trains and it was recovered in 1944. The first wooden trainstation was built in 1904 ad station pavilion in 1914. The ticket sales in the station was stopped in 1998.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Modelleerimine - 2 KT

tegijad, asukoht, kirjeldus ja aeg EHK miks (eesmärk), mis(objekt), kes(inimesed), kus(asukohad), kuidas (protsessid) ja millal(sündmused). Kui valdkonnas mängib tähtist rolli inimene, võib seda pidada ärivald(konnaks). Raamistik rakendub igale ettevõttele, ükskõik kui keerukas see ka poleks. Puhas valdkond – Ülemised kaks rida. Kõik muu on IT infrastruktuur. Just in case kui ta küsib – CIM – Computing Indepedent Model – ülalt teine rida PIM – Platform independent Model – kolmas rida PSM – Platform Specific Model – neljas rida Kood – Viies rida 2. Objektide modelleerimine ja klassidiagrammid Objektorienteeritud progemises on põhilisteks elementideks klassid, objektid ja nendevahelised seosed. Klasse ja seoseid saab tõlgendada programmikoodiks. Objekt – Element, nähtus, asi, millest me räägime ja/või tegutseme nt tellimus, toode, arve, su ema

Informaatika → Modelleerimine
5 allalaadimist

Tallinn TV tower

Tallinn TV tower Rauno, Georg 11B Thursday, March 7, 13 Facts n Built to provide better telecommunication services for the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics regatta n Tower height: 314 m n Viewing platform height: 170 m n Tallinn TV tower was reopened on April 5, 2012 Thursday, March 7, 13 TV tower after reopening n 2 lifts that are going to top with only 49 seconds n New design n 360 panoramic view n Estonia´s hall of fame ­ gives an overview what people who have lived in Estonia have accomplished n New cafe and restoran with a beautiful view Thursday, March 7, 13 Thursday, March 7, 13

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

OO5: Collaboration with other local IT organizations As the workload seems to be increasing perpetually and selling all nonpriority LOBs and clients off to other service and solution providers would be highly impractical, it makes sense to outsource some of the tasks to other reliable local IT companies that have skilled programmers to spare. Also, it will be reasonable to collaborate with top-notch professionals of the field on rewriting the core platform utilized for new developments for clients as thus development of the new version of the platform could be accomplished in a more efficient manner, in less time and would most likely yield results of higher quality. OO6: Migrating the core of the projects to the latest technological version (!) The platform which is at the core of every Lee IS's project is going through a continuous natural evolution, getting perpetually enhanced. Unfortunately, there is no infrastructure as of now for

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

Fat margaret

Fat Margaret was built in 16th century. Author of the first design was Clemens Pale, but the building was finished by Gert Konigk. 2nd March 1917 the convicts were liberated and the tower was set in fire by the mob of workers and sailors In 1930ties part of the complex buildings were used by the Tallinn City museum In 1978 to 1980 the tower were renovate First architect Clemens Pale was start building the canon tower in 15101529 to protect the harbour against the invaders. Building was finished by master Gert Konigk from Münster in 1531. The tower was reconstructed by Polish renovators from 1978 to 1980 The tower was originally used the canon tower, later it was taken into use as an arsenal and magazine . 1830 ­ 1917 it served as a prison since the convicts were liberated and the tower was set in fire Fat Margaret's Tower are now used by houses the Estonian...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Edingburgh Festival

Edinburgh festival 2014 General · The largest arts festival in the world · The Edinburgh Festival is a collective term for many arts and cultural festivals · Largest annual cultural festival in the world · Established in 1947 in a post-war effort to "provide a platform for the flowering of the human spirit" · Mission is to be the most exciting, innovative and accessible Festival Edinburgh festival Every August, the Edinburgh International Festival transforms one of the world's most beautiful cities, presenting three exhilarating weeks of the finest creators and performers from the worlds of the arts - for everyone Edinburgh's six major theatres and concert halls and a few smaller venues come alive with the best classical

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

9GAG Just for fun

• Users upload and share images and videos • Alternative to email • Why 9gag? • „Just for Fun“ mentality CO N TEN T • „Memes“ and „internet jokes“ – voted and commented on by users • Separated into general categories • Content in the form of image memes • Some memes are quite popular • Image has top and bottom caption • Memes in a comic strip W EBSITE CU LTU RE • „9gaggers“ • Mostly browsed at locations like school or the workspace • Platform „where people will go whenever they want to kill some time and have a laugh.“ STATISTICS • 80 million unique visitors • 2 billion page views in 30 days • Loads in 1.3 seconds, faster than 62 % of sites Country Percent of Visitors United States 11.2% India 10.4% Germany 6.4% France 4.2% Mexico 3.8% CO N CLU SIO N

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Great Coastal Gate & Fat Margaret’s Tower

It had 155 loopholes, diameter of 25 meters, and a height of about 20 meters. The tower was named Roosikrantsi, but as it was the stoutest tower in the Wall, people started to call it "Fat Margaret". Through history, the cannon tower has also served as a storehouse for gunpowder and weapons, and as a prison. The Fat Margaret's Tower houses the Estonian Maritime Museum, with a permanent exhibit on Estonian maritime and fishing history. The viewing platform on the roof affords a lovely view onto the Old Town and the bay. I hope you will enjoy the visit. Loohole-laskeava Stoutest-trullakaim Storehouse-laohoone Gunpowder-püssirohi Maritime-merndus Permanent-pidev

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


culture, it's the perfect holiday destination. There are many really beautiful buildings that have been restored after World War II. Most of them are in the heart of the city. There's also a place called the Dome Hill. It's a hill where you can see various monuments and there are also the ruins of the Dome Church. Currently, the building is occupied by a history museum and the visitors can use an observation platform on the roof and enjoy a picturesque view of the city. By the Dome Hill there's the main building of the University of Tartu. It's very big and beautiful. There are several museums, but also some theatres and cinemas. Tartu has many cafés in the centre of the city, for example café Pierre. With its historical atmosphere, it's a really great place for spending a quiet and relaxing evening. Tartu is the perfect place for living and it's certainly a good holiday

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Churches in Tartu

old ones. Here is Tartu St. John’s or Jaani church. Tartu St. John's Church, which was built in the 14th century in Gothic style, is one of the oldest in Estonia; moreover, it is unique in Europe due to its many original terracotta sculptures. Numbering around a thousand, these 700- year old sculptures were largely hidden till the 1950's. The entrance to the church is free, but if you're looking for more than old sculptures, a view, then it costs. Access to the viewing platform costs 2 euro per adult and 1.50 euro per student. Rivalling St. John's Church as Tartu's most impressive, St. Peter's church, located over the river, is a red- bricked, pseudo-Gothic. It was built in 1884, allowing it to seat up to 3,000 people. The large altar painting was created by Estonia's artist, Johann Köler, in 1897. St. Paul's Church is located along Riia. The style looks a little bit different from the other churches, because it was built by famed Finnish architect Eliel Saarinen in

Keeled → British literature
2 allalaadimist

What might attract tourists to Estonia?

In Pirita they can see the Forest Cemetery, where many important Estonian public figures are buried. Tourist can also visit the ruins of St.Brigitta's Convent in Pirita, Maarjamae Palace, Russalka and the Memorial Monument of Estonia's Shipwreck. Popular places where tourists go are also Toompea Hill on which Tallinn was founded in the 12th century, the Parliament House, Alexander Newsky Orthodox Cathedral and the Dome Church. Tourists have a chance to view Old Tallinn from the observation platform. In lower Old town they will see the ancient St.Nicholas Church, the Medieval Town Hall and the Town Hall Square. Estonian people are very friendly with foreigners. Estonians know alot of foreign languages so communicating is easy. Tourists will probably like that. In conclusion Estonia is a great place to visit. Everything in Estonia is tourist friendly. Thats because of the people in here and for the tourist attractions.

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Tuleviku oskused ja tuleviku tööturg

Tuleviku oskused ja tuleviku tööturg Singulaarsus.. •... kujutab endast futuroloogias hüpoteetilist ajahetke, millest alates tehnoloogiline areng hakkab kulgema inimestele hoomamatul ja kujuteldamatul moel ning kiirusel. •Kuidas tekib? Intellekti plahvatus, masinad teevad endast targemaid masinaid. Superintellekti teke. •Tehnoloogiline singulaarsus –tehis, IT põhine •Transhumanistlik Singulaarsus –inimese põhine •Hüpotees, et seda ei teki, sest enne tuleb ökoloogiline või sõjaline katastroofLahendus Fermi paradoksile. Me ei näe tulnukaid, sest mingil hetkel iga tsivilisatsioon hävitab ennast ise IT arengute mõju meie igapäeva elule ● Piirid reaalsuse ning virtuaalsuse vahel hakkavad kaduma. •Liitreaalsus •Sõprus sotsiaalmeedias ● Inimese ja masina eristamine muutub järjest keerulisemaks •Isesõitev auto ● Informatsiooni üleküllus, digitaalne jalajälg, privaatsus on muutumas luksuskaubaks Globaalsed...

Majandus → Töö-ökonoomika ja tööturg
3 allalaadimist

Arvuti tehniline dokumentatsioon

Ida- Virumaa Kutsehariduskeskus Eriala: Tarkvara ja andmebaaside haldus Nimi:: Arvuti tehniline dokumentatsioon Referaat Juhendaja: Nimi:: 18/10/10 Jõhvi 2011 SISUKORD ARVUTIKOMPONENDID..................................................................................................3 INTEL® CORETM I7-860 PROTSESSOR (8M VAHEMÄLU, 2.80 GHZ), MILLE VAHEMÄLU ON 8M..........................................................................................................3 Kasutatud kirjandus......................................................................................................................5 2 18/10/10 Arvutikomponendid Datagate ...

Informaatika → Arvutite lisaseadmed
32 allalaadimist

Theatre vocabulary III

in a theatrical production; · `bite lights' ­ small flashlight held between the teeth, leaving hands free to work; · Spotlight - (a circle of strong light which is sent from) a lamp whose beam can be directed Inside the theatre: · Box office · Dressing room · Foyer · Cloakroom · Stage · Scenery ­ the painted backcloths, stage structures, etc, used to represent a location in a theatre; · Curtain · Podium ­ a small platform for the conductor of an orchestra; · Baton ­ a wand used by a conductor; · Wings (in a theatre) ­ the area just to each side of the stage where actors wait to come on it; · Seats · An aisle ­ a long passage between rows of seats; · Rows ­ lines of seats in a theatre or cinema; · the orchestra pit ­ the area that is occupied by the orchestra, located in front of the stage;

Keeled → British culture (briti...
5 allalaadimist

Java algtõed

On olemas versioonid JDK 1.0...1.6, ootab valgust versioon 1.7. (2010. aasta). Iga versioon sisaldab mitut alamversiooni, kus puuduvad programmeerimiskeele muudatused, kuid on parandatud vead või lisatud väikesed muudatused teekidesse. Ühe versiooni JDK arenduskomplektid erinevad nende abil arendatavate rakenduste tüübi poolest. Praegu pakub Sun Java arenduskomplekte, mis jagunevad võimaluste ja kasutusvaldkondade järgi kolmeks: · Mikrokomplekt -- Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) - "minimalistlik" Java, mis on mõeldud väheste ressurssidega seadmetele (,,kõhn klient") külmkappidest, kiipkaartidest, pihuarvutitest mobiiltelefonideni. Sedametele, kus ressurss on piiratud. · Standardkomplekt -- Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) on mõeldud ,,paksu kliendi" tarkvara loomiseks, st seadmetele, kus on piisavalt ruumi ja mälu ­ tavalised arvutid ja serverid.

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
91 allalaadimist

Giidinduse vanalinna ehitiste kokkuvõte

says that Toompea is just a naturally formed limestone hill. ● It’s the birthplace of Tallinn - in 1229, the Knights of the Sword built a fortress - Toompea castle. It’s the most potent symbols of the reigning power. Today it’s the seat of the Government of Estonia as well as the Riigikogu. ● Tall Hermann is one of the towers around the Toompea Castle. It’s 49-metres high watch-tower from the year 1371. Viewing platform, to get on top you must take 215 steps. Whoever’s flag is on top of this tower is the ruler of Estonia. (There have been German and Soviet flags). Today the estonian flag is hoisted every day at sunrise and lowered at the sunset, except at midsummer when it’s not lowered at all on the night of June 23. Nevsky Cathedral ● It’s the largest and grandest orthodox catherdral in Talinn. It was finished 1900, when Estonia was part of the Russian Empire

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tarapita kui kirjanduspoliitiline rühmitus

Tarapita kui kirjanduspoliitiline rühmitus Tarapita rühmitus tekkis 1921. aasta suvel. Tema sündi valmistasid ette ajaloolised ja kirjanduslikud muutused. Toimunud oli Vabadussõda ja Eesti iseseisvumine, mis tõi kaasa erinevad tundeid ja arvamusi, mis oli vaja rahvale edasi kanda. Rühmitusse kuulusid A. Adson, A. Alle, J. Barbarus, A. Kivikas, J. Kärner, J. Semper, G.Suits, A. Tassa, F. Tuglas ja M. Under. Kõik liikmed allkirjastasid Tarapita esimese numbri manifesti, mis deklareeris vaimuvabaduse nimel minna võitlusse ohtlike sotsiaalsete pahedega, eriti saamaahne ja laiutava tõusiklusega. See manifest väljendas kindlaid liikmete mõtteid ja seisukohti kultuuri ja edasiviivate jõude hääbumisest. Katkend manifestist: "Millal oleme sisse hinganud nii lämmatavat õhku, kui nyyd - tõusikluse joovastuspäivil? Ummiku on lykat vaimline kultuur. Lämbuman edasiviivad jõud. Halvat tööliste liikumine. Haritlastest saand ärim...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Holokausti ellujääjad

Eva Kor arrived at Auschwitz with her mother and twin sister in 1944, when she was just 10-years old. That day on the selection platform was the last time she would ever see her mother again. Eva’s mother was sent directly to the gas chamber. For the next nine months, Eva and her sister Miriam were housed in a rat-infested bunk with 300 other children and subjected to medical experiments daily. Despite the daily torture, Eva was determined to survive. When liberation finally came on January 27, 1945, Eva and Miriam were at the front of the line as the children were led out of Auschwitz.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Canada's brands

Alberta. Focusing on petroleum and natural gas exploration, production, refining and retail sales, the company primarily conducts operations in Canada, the United States, China and Indonesia. The company employs approximately 4100 people , has almost $21 billion in assets, and produces an average of 385,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day , making it one of Canada's largest energy companies. Flickr Flickr is an image and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community platform. In addition to being a popular Web site for users to share personal photographs, the service is widely used by bloggers as a photo repository. Its popularity has been fueled by its organization tools, which allow photos to be tagged. As of November 2008, it claims to host more than 3 billion images.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Men and women in politics

and politics from the media, society, men, and even women themselves have shaped women's ability everywhere to participate politically and socially within our society. The United States, as well as many other countries, has various beliefs regarding the role of women in the political arena. The United States has shown how the political role of a woman has evolved, over time, into a more powerful one. On the other hand, a woman seeking a powerful position, such as a political platform, is looked down upon in most countries. Some political systems are regimes marked by one- party rule and are incomplete in their political development. The place of women in society is still secondary and it will take time before the U.S. and other countries alike achieve complete equality. On the other hand everybody believes more men in politics. Because women do not trust another women and choose men as strong person. Women in politics are very emotional

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Eiffel Tower (esitlus Eiffeli tornist inglise keeles)

). · Its base is square, measuring 125 metres on each side. · During its building, the Eiffel Tower surpassed the Washington Monument to become the tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years until the Chrysler Building in New York City was finished in 1930. Due to the addition of a broadcasting aerial at the top of the tower in 1957, it is now taller than the Chrysler Building by 5.2 metres. Introduction · The top level's upper platform is 276 m above the ground, what makes it the highest observation deck accessible to the public in the Europe. · The Eiffel Tower has 3 floors and 8 lifts/elevators. Consturction and Design · Work on the foundations started on 28 January 1887. · Those for the east and south legs were straightforward, but the west and north legs, being closer to the river Seine, were more complicated · The wrought iron of the Eiffel Tower weighs 7,300 tons, but

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The shights of Estonia

church.The Baptist congregation continues to meet at St Olaf’s today. Pictures of St. Olaf’s Church cc St Olaf’s Church Tower According to some sources St Olaf’s Church was the tallest building in world from 1549 to 1625, till the Eiffel Tower was built. In 1590 the total height of the tower was 115 meters. After several rebuildings, the height of the tower is now 123,5 meters. In summer visitors can climb winding staircaise to the tower’s viewing platform to enjoy the views of the city.Did you know that there are 232 steps up to the viewing platform.The tower has been hit by lightning around ten times, three of which led to extensive fires in 1625, 1820 and 1931. Kadrioru Palace Kadrioru Palace is a palace built for Chatherine 1 of Russia by Peter the Great in Tallinn, in Estonia, in 1718. It was built after the Great Northern War. The palace was desinged by the Italian architect Nicola Michetti. Kadrioru Palace has

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

European Environmental Databases 2018

It means that code 412 decreased by the 300 he 4. The Land Monitoring Service within Copernicus offers a wide array of products; how many High Resolution Layers can be viewed in the Pan- European section? Name them below The European Environment Agency (EEA) of the in 2015 has announced the release high Resolution Layers (HRL). There are 4 types: "Imperviousness", "Forests", "Grassland" and "Water & Wetness" 5. The EU Climate Adaptation Platform contains information about exposure to a number of climatic threats. Estonia is relatively safe, but what is the potentially flooded area in the core city (%) in Copenhagen? Copenhagen area potentially affected by flooding is 21-40% 6. According to Eurostat, how much wind power was consumed in Estonia in 2016? Wind power was consumed in Estonia in 2016 -51.1 TOE ( 2,138.4 terjoule) 7. Alam-Pedja is one of many Natura 2000 sites in Estonia. The EUNIS

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Avaandmete portaal

Teatamise vahendid annavad teavet lisatud või uuendatud andmekogude avaldamisest; Integreeritud andmeid on võimalik kasutada otse portaalis, sageli kinnistades teistel veebilehtedel, suhtlemist andmekogude vahel ja ligipääsu hinnangutele, aruteludele ja kirjastaja tagasiside kanalitele. 3. Milliseid teenuseid või äppe on antud portaali kaudu kättesaadavaid andmeid kasutades loodud? Lääne-Austraalia valitsue loodud SLIP - jagatud asukoha informatsiooni Platform SLIPi haldab Landgate ja WALIS ning tegutseb Google'i pilvepõhise Google Maps Engine platvormil. SLIP seob omavalitsus asutuste süsteeme ühtseks võrguks kinnisvara asukoha ja informatsiooni erinevatest valitsusasutustest. Registreerimine on tasuta. URL: Lääne-Austraalia valitsuse avatud andmed Andmepoliitika eesmärk on avaliku sektori andmed vara haldamise parandamist ja

Infoteadus → Infoallikad ja infootsing
1 allalaadimist

Floating Wind Turbines

Floating Wind Turbines University of Tartu 2012 Featured topics Basic layout of wind turbines About FWT Technology and advantages Initiatives Conclusion Introduction to how wind turbines work Electricity ­ Kinetic Click to edit Master text styles Second level energy of the wind Third level is converted to Fourth level mehanical energy. Fifth level Main parts ­ 1. Rotor blades 2. Shaft 3. Generator Introduction to how wind turbines work Click to edit Master text styles Click to edit Master text styles Second level Second level Third level Third level ...

Loodus → Keskkonnatehnoloogia
7 allalaadimist


have been the cornerstone of Office since its inception. Office 2007 equines Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Windows Serve 2003 with Service Pack 1, ok Windows Vista. Office 2007 aloe includes new application and reverie tool. Chief among thee I Groove, a collaboration and communication unite for miller brine, which we originally developed by Groove Network before being acquired by Microsoft in 2005. Aloe included I Office hare point ever 2007, a major revision to the ever platform for Office application, which support "Excel service", a client-ever architecture for supporting Excel workbook that are hard in real time between multiple machine, and are aloe viewable and editable through a web page. Microsoft FrontPage has been removed from the Office suite entirely. It ha been replaced by Microoft harePoint Deigner, which i aimed toward development of harePoint portal. It couin Microoft Expreion Web is tergeted for general weeb development. However, the latter i not a

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Probleemi (juhtumi) analüüs

ka üks üsna huvitav pilt. Seega on nn "avalik pilv" nimi, mis on antud serverite ja teenuste kollektsioonile, mida juhitakse andmekeskuste kaudu, mis ei kuulu Sinule ega ei asu ka Sinu ruumides (hoonetes). "Pilveteenuse pakkuja", kellele need serverid kuuluvad ja kes neid juhib, võib pakkuda suurt hulka teenusi, mis on tavaliselt jagatud alltoodud kategooriatesse: 7 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Cloud Computing mõiste alla võib lugeda ka kasutaja (st Sinu) poolt Software as a Service (SaaS) hangitud "pilves" asuvat kettaruumi ehk salvestusruumi ('cloud storage') kuhu võid siis laadida üles ja hoida seal oma faile. Kõige IaaS, PaaS ja SaaS - igal ühel neist on omad eelised ja miinused, sellest populaarsemad pilve kettaruumi teenuse pakkujad on Apple tuleb edaspidi veel juttu.

Infoteadus → Infosüsteemid ja nende...
28 allalaadimist

Internetipsühholoogia i küsimused

Online suhete koht: Kohtumiste sait versus online kogukonnad (jututoad, mängud, e-mail, diskussioonid, sotsiaalsete ühenduste saidid). Suhete areng oleneb suhtlejate omapoolsetest soovidest 11. Identiteet internetis. 12. Kontakti hüpotees- võrdne staatus, ühise eesmärgi nimel kooperatsioon rivaalide vahel, intiimne kontakt kaaslase paremaks tundmaõppimiseks, autoriteetide toetus loob positiivsed ootused kontaktist. Homogeensuse efekt. 13. Gruppide vahelise kontakti platform (NIC), selle eesmärgid ja tegutsemine. The Net Interngroup Contact (NIC) veebileht rivaalsetele gruppidele. Kontaktieelne protsess ja uurimine. Andmete kogumine. Kontakt ja suhtlemise protsess. NIC täiustamine, uuringud.NIC – F2F kontakt. Lahkheli muutub konfliktiks kui minnakse liiga isiklikuks. 14. Internet kui meedium sex aktiivsuseks-“kuumad” jututoad, “kuulututustahvel”, küberseks, pornograafia mahalaadimine, erootiliste materjalide ostmine, seks info ja

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Kingade stiile läbi aegade

Kõrged kontsad ja paksud tallad. - Avenüü nr 43, lk 126-128 · Karik, K. 2010. Tööjalatsist moekingaks. - Mood nr 04.10, lk 52-53 · Martson, I. 2011. Aha-ai, aha-pai, kust see laps need kingad sai? ­ Mood nr 4, lk 38-40 · Paillie, E. 2007. Peadpööritavad kontsad, kultuslik disain. ­ Stiil nr 12, lk 85 · Põldroos, R. 2007. Kõrgel ja kaunimalt. - Stiil nr 8, lk 77 · Ratas, B. 2011. Varbad välja. ­Mood nr 6, lk 64-67 · Ritchie, R. Now & then: The history of platform shoes. ­ Ecosalon. (11.03.2014) · Vende, E. 1971. Jalats läbi sajandite. - Siluett nr 4, lk 24-27 · Uus trend: meeste stilettod vallutavad maailma! 2012. Delfi Naistekas. maailma.d?id=64150995 (09.03.2014)

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Giidindus Final Test kordamine

Estonia, designed by Eugen Habermann and Herbert Johanson. The parliament has 101 members and is chosen for 4 years. Stenbock House - the official seat of the Estonian Government since 2000; the building started in 1787, originally meant to be a courthouse. After russians ran out of fund, house went into Jakob Pontus Stenbock’s possession. Renovation was carried out in 1996-2000. Tall Hermann - tower in the south-west corner of the castle; 49 m built in 1371; ten floors and a viewing platform. Estonian flag is raised there every morning at sunrise but not before 7am and lowered at sunset but not later than 10pm; except at midsummer June 23, when it’s not lowered at all. It’s commonly recognised that whoever’s flag flies on top of this tower is the ruler of Estonia. Toompea as a tourist attraction Alexander Nevsky Cathedral - largest and grandest orthodox cathedral crowning the hill of Toompea. It was finished in 1900, when the country was a part of the Russian empire

Turism → Giidindus
5 allalaadimist

Estonia railway history

Tallinn - Viljandi - Pärnu Tallinn-Viljandi, Tallinn Tallinn - Rakvere - Narva Tartu - Valga, Tartu - Orava, Tartu ­ Koidula Railway museums in Haapsalu and Lavassaare Estonian Railway Museum in Haapsalu railway station and its territories. Museum of the1906th completed in Haapsalu Station attracts over 200 meters in length, covered platform There are locomotive depot ,Water Tower, Smithy, The Railway Children's homes, Luggage Building The Lavassaare locate at the Pärnu county in the south-western part of Estonia, 17 km's from Pärnu to north-west in Lavassaare settlement between the bogs. There are more than 70 items of different rolling stock in the outdoors exposition, including 5 steam locomotives and a numerous special-purpose technical facilites. All working locomotives are stored in the round-house built in 1924.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The London eye esitlus

The Merlin Enterntaiments London Eye Table of contents Introduction 3 Information 4 History 5 Making The London Eye 7 Interesting Facts 9 Summary 11 References 12 Introduction I chose The Merlin Entertainments London Eye because it is the largest Ferris Wheel in Europe and it has become the most popular paid tourist attraction in the UK, visited by over three million people in one year. Information · Is known also as The Millennium Wheel. · It lies in the Western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the south Bank of the River Thames, in London. · It was constructed in 1998-1999. · Archidects: David Marks, Julia Barfield, Malcolm Cook, Mark Sparrowhawk, Steven Chilton, Nic Bailey. History · 1998 Construction started on The London Eye. · 1999 The London Eye was raised over th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Extreme Sports.

Competitions started with "flying as long as possible" and spot landings. With increasing performance cross-country flying replaced them. Usually two to four waypoints have to be passed with a landing at a goal. Nowadays every two years there is a world championship. The Rigid and Women's World Championship in 2006 was hosted by Florida. Texas hosted the 2007 World Championship. Cliff Diving Cliff diving is jumping from a platform that is usually a simple clearing along the cliff above a river, ocean or lake. Sometimes bridges are used as platforms. The platforms can be up to 100 feet above the water. Cliff diving is very popular in Switzerland where annual championships are being held. The roots of cliff diving are found at Kaunolu, on the Hawaiian Island of Lana´i. Back in 1770, Kahekili, the last independent king of Maui and chief of four

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Briti muusika

The Beatles moved through the late 1960s as favourites of the 'flower power' generation - many young people enjoyed 'hippie' music. Other teenagers preferred the music of the 'Mods' - ska music and The Who. 1970s - The first big new sound of the 1970s was "Glam Rock", the main figures of this were David Bowie, Elton John and of course Gary Glitter. In the bleak political backdrop, these larger that life British bands and characters brought a welcome relief with their platform boots, sequins, nail varnish and colourful hair. 1980s - The 1980s saw the rise of hip hop and rap music, with American influences powerful once again in the form of such groups as Run DMC and Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. It also saw the rise and fall of the 'New Romantics', typified by groups like Adam and the Ants, who dressed as pirates and highway men and wore huge amounts of makeup.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


Anton Teljutsenko AAp-11 What is it? Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general-purpose object- oriented programming language that combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features It was also influenced by Eiffel and Lisp Ruby has "Ruby License" and "BSD License" Ruby was first designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan Ruby is cross-platform programming language History Ruby was conceived on February 24, 1993 by Yukihiro Matsumoto who wished to create a new language that balanced functional programming with imperative programming Ruby was disignet to be more powerful than Perl and more object-oriented than Python The name "Ruby" was decided on during an online chat session between Matsumoto and Keiju Ishitsuka on February 24, 1993, before any code had been written for the language. History Initially two names were proposed: "Coral" and "Ruby", with the latter being chosen by M...

Informaatika → Informaatika
7 allalaadimist

About Tallinn

-The Russalka Monument Russalka is a sculpture, created by Estonian sculptor Amandus Adamson, in 1902. The bronze and granite monument standsas a memorial to the crew of a Russian battleship "Russalka" , which sank in the Gulf of Finland in 1893.The monument itself is a figure of an angel, which sends blessing to that place, where, with the whole crew, sank russian battleship "Russalka" -TV Tower The TV Tower was situated in 1980 to the summer olimpiad. From the watching platform a wunderful view on Tallinn and Finland coast is opened. The TV Tower itself is used for broadcasting Estonian tv chanels and radiostations, and like mobile communication mast -The Kadriorg Park & Palace -The Kadriorg Palace- was a summer residence of the royal family. It was situated by Peter I in 1718 and named it in the honor of hiswife ?Ekatherine?. Palace was projected by italian architect Nikkolo Miketti, but the first brick in the base of the structure the tsar himself has put.

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun