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"bella" - 134 õppematerjali

bella on temasse kiindunud isegi pärast seda kui ta teada saab ,et Edward on vampiir. Keegi peale Bella ei tea, et Cullenid on vampiirid , seega peab ta seda saladuses hoidma.

Kasutaja: bella

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Onu bella ja psychoterror

", selle järg ,,Anarhia ja dekadents" ilmus 2006. aastal. Bändil on varuks ka seni avaldamata stuudiomaterjale ja varajasi lindistusi. Uus stuudioplaat ,,Parma Karma" ilmus 2010 aasta veebruari lõpus. Kuigi Psychoterrori muusika on läbi aegade kantud selgelt äratuntavast punk-vaimust, ei ole bänd pidanud paljuks lubada oma muusikasse ka ska, pscychobilly, garage- rocki, metal'i, new wave'i ja rock'n'rolli mõjusid. Onu Bella Onu Bella ehk Igor Maasik (Maksimov) on sündinud 19. septembril 1961 Tartus. Ta on eesti muusik ja meelelahutustegelane. Ta õppis Tartu 2. ja 5. Keskkoolis, Lõpetas Tartu Ülikooli füüsika-keemiateaduskonna 1985.a. Ta oli keemiaõpetaja Narva 2. Keskkoolis (1985­1988), Kuni 1992. aastani Tartu Konservitehase insener-keemik ja varumis-osakonna juhataja, edasi vabakutseline. Ta on näidelnud teatris "Vanemuine" ja Narvas rahvateatris. Töötab õhtujuhina ja

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

Videvik I

mis ilmus 2005 aastal. Järgnevatel aastatel kujunes selle põhjal välja romaanisari "Videvik", millele on ilmumas viies osa. Stephenie Meyeri raamatutest on tehtud ka filme. Videviku (I osa) tähtsad tegelased · Isabella Swan (Bella) · Edward Cullen (Vampiir) · Charlie Swan (Bella isa) · Jacob Black (Bella sõber) · Carlisle, Esme, Emmett ja Alice Cullen ning Rosalie ja Jasper Hale (Edwardi perelond) · James, Laurent ja Victoria (Vampiirid) Tegevused raamatus I · Bella kolib Arizonast Forksi oma isa Charlie juurde.Ta teeb seda oma ema heaks, et too saaks reisida koos oma uue abikaasa Philiga, kes on pesapallur. · Forksis kohtab Bella salapärast poissi Edwardit ning armub temasse. Tegevused raamatus II · Pärast seda kui Bella saab Jacob Blackilt (sõbrer Reservaadist) teada hõimulegendi, hakkab Bella kahtlustama, et Edward ja ta perekond on vampiirid, kes joovad loomade verd inimeste vere asemel.Kuid

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2 allalaadimist

Ekraniseeringu tutvustus: „Videvik“

Ekraniseeringu tutvustus: ,,Videvik" Peaosas mängib Isabella Swan, kes on alati olnud eriline ning eelistab olla omapead. Bella kolib päikeselisest Phoenixist süngesse Forksi linnakesse isa juurde. Forksi keskkoolis kohtub ta huvitava ning köitva noormehega, kelle nimi on Edward Cullen. Edward on heleda nahaga, peaaegu et lumivalge, lummava hääle ja ülivõimsate võimetega noorhärra. Bella tundis tema vastu huvi alates sellest hetkest, kui ta teda esimest korda nägi. Bella teadis, et Edwardil on tema eest midagi varjata ning ta võttis nõuks tõde välja uurida, kuid õige pea nad olid teineteisesse kõrvuni armunud. Edward suudab peatada kiiresti liikuva auto, ta suudab joosta ülikiiresti kõigi ja kõikide eest ning ta ei vanane. Edward on vampiir, kes on surematu, kuid erinevalt teistest vampiiridest ta ei joo inimverd ja tal puuduvad kihvad

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6 allalaadimist

"Videvik" Stephenie Meyer

"Videvik" Stephenie Meyer Stephenie Meyer on sündinud 24.detsembril 1973 Hartfordis ja ta on Ameerika Ühendriikide kirjanik. Stephenie esimene teos oli vampiiriromaan "Videvik", mis ilmus 2005. aastal ja tegi autori kohe tuntuks. Järgnevatel aastatel kujunes selle põhjal välja Romaanisari "Videvik". Tegevus toimub põhiliselt Forksis, kui Isabella "Bella" Swan kolib raamatu alguses Arizonast oma isa Charlie juurde. Bella ema on abielus elukutselise pesapalluriga ning mees peab ameti tõttu tihti reisima. Tütar sai aru, et ema teeb see õnnetuks kui ta ei saa oma mehega olla ja nii ta otsustas teha otsuse, et kolida isa juurde. Kuna Bella jaoks oli ta ema nagu parim sõbranna, siis ta tegi seda tema pärast, et ta oleks õnnelik. Bella saab oma isaga hästi läbi ja tihti valmistab ta isale maitsvaid toite. Kool on uus, kuid üsna kiiresti võetakse ta omaks ja tema uuteks sõpradeks saavad Jessica, Angela,

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Videvik (Twilight)

Seepärast kutsuvad nad ennast naljaviluks taimetoitlasteks. Neid kirjeldatakse ilusate ja lumivalge nahaga, nende kuldsed silmad lähevad tumedaks kui nad januseks muutuvad. Nad on tugevad ja jooksevad ülikiiresti. Nende nahk on jääkülm. Pärast vampiirideks saamist nad ei muutu füüsiliselt. Nad ei muutu vanemaks ja päikese käes sillerdab nende nahk, nagu tuhanded teemantid oleks sinna kinnitatud. Bella armub Edwardisse, 17. aastasesse noorimasse Cullenisse(kuigi ta sündis 1907). Bella on temasse kiindunud isegi pärast seda kui ta teada saab ,et Edward on vampiir. Keegi peale Bella ei tea, et Cullenid on vampiirid , seega peab ta seda saladuses hoidma. Üks õhtu kui Cullenid pesapalli mängivad ja Bella pealt vaatab, satuvad neile peale 3 teist vampiiri- Victoria, Laurent ja James. Nenke silmad on punased, see tähendab, et nad toituvad inimverest. James avastab, et Bella on inimene ja ta tahab teda rünnata. Kuid Cullenid tõrjusid nad ära.

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Eclipse sixth chapter (Switzerland)

Eclipse, Chapter 6 Switzerland Bella leaves La Push feeling it was right to visit Jacob. Suddenly, a silver Volvo appears in her rearview mirror. Bella avoids making eye contact with Edward and heads to Angela's house. Edward drives by Bella and doesn't stop to talk to her. Bella helps Angela address her graduation invitations, and Angela can sense something is wrong. When she asks, Bella explains that Edward thinks Jacob is dangerous and doesn't like Bella being around Jacob. Angela thinks Edward is just jealous. The conversation turns to the girls preparing for college. Angela is sad that Bella will most likely be in Alaska, and Bella feels a wave of sadness knowing she won't be able to keep in touch. Bella returns home trying to avoid going to her room. Finally, she heads to her room knowing Edward will be there. He is waiting by the open window glaring at her. Bella tries to make light of the situation, but Edward is furious

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Raamatu Päikesevarjutus kokkuvõte

Raamatu kokkuvõte ,,Päikesevarjutus" Stephenie Meyer Tegelased: Peategelane: Bella Swan- tüdruk kes unistab saada vampiiriks, kellel juhtub alati midagi, nimetab ennast ,,õnnetuse hunnikuks". Talle ei meeldi üritustel käia talle ei meeldi kingitused talle ei meeldi, kui tema peale raha kulutatakse. Charlie Swan- Bella isa, on politseiülem Bella emast elab lahus ja elab koos Bellaga. Renee- Bella ema elab koos teise mehega Phil-iga. Edward Cullen- Bella eluarmastus, Vampiir, Elab koos teiste vampiiridega,on nagu perekond käituvad normaalsete inimestena, lapsed käivad koolis vanemad tööl. Edwardi võime on teiste mõtteid lugeda, ainuke kelle mõtetesse ta tungida ei suuda on Bella ja see isegi meeldib talle kuigi vahest ka häirib. Carlise Cullen- Arst, Edwardi isa, sammuti vampiir näeb väga noor välja ja väga kena nagu

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"Videvik" - Stephenie Meyer

Videvik Stephenie Meyer Isabella Swan elas rahulikult koos emaga ja kasuisaga Phoenixis, kuni ta otsustas kolida süngesse ja vihmasesse Forksi, et mitte segada oma ema ja kasuisa. Seal pisikeses linnakeses Washingtoni osariigis elas tema isa ­ politseiülem Charlie. Bella oli kahvatu naha, pruunide juuste ja halva kordinatsioonivõimega tütarlaps, täiesti tavaline, ei midagi erilist. Forksi kohale jõudes saab Bella üllatuse osaliseks ­ Charlie kingib talle auto ­ vana pikapi. Nii sõidabki Bella järgmisel hommikul sellega oma uude kooli ­ ,,Forksi keskkooli".Bella on koolis kõikide õpilaste tähelepanu objekt, peale viie inimese ­ Rosalie, Jasper, Emmet, Alice ja Edwardi. Nad on erakud ­ noore doktori kasulapsed, kes hoiavad omaette. Bioloogias peab aga Bella Edwardi kõrvale istuma ja talle tundub, et poiss tõrjub teda.

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videviku slaidikas

Teema. Bella Swan kolib päikselisest Phoenix'ist, Arizonast, vihmasesse Forks'i, Washingtonis, et minna elama oma isa, Charlie Swan'iga. Ta teeb seda, et ta ema saaks reisida. Kuna tema ema uus abikaasa on pesapallur, peab ta palju reisima, ning tänu sellele Bella ära kolibki, sest ta ei saaks oma õpinguid korralikult jätkata. Bella hakkab käima kohalikus keskkoolis, kus esimesel päeval ta sõbruneb paljude õpilastega. Tema teadmata, paljud poisid ka võistlevad häbeliku Bella tähelepanu eest. Oma esimese tunni ajal istub Bella Edwardiga, kes algul tõrjub teda. Paari päeva pärast hakkab Edward temaga väga soojalt suhtlema, nagu midagi poleks juhtunudki. Kui Bella oleks peaaegu oma klassikaaslase bussi alla jäänd, sest too kaotas bussi üle kontrolli, näitab Edward, et tal on üleloomulikud võimed. Peale seda hakkab Bella Edwardit igasuguste küsimustega piinama, ning kuuleb unustatud lapsepõlve sõbra käest, et legendi kohaselt on

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Eclipse ´8th chapter(Temper)- kokkuvõte

Eclipse, Ch.8.Temper Bella and Jacob head to the beach to hang out. Bella jokingly asks about the latest pack scandal only to find out there is one. Quil imprinted bringing the total of wolves who have done so up to three. Jacob is worried that all the legends may be true. Bella sees no problem with Quill imprinting until Jacob tells her that Quil imprinted on Emily's cousin, Claire, who happens to be two years old. Bella is shocked and Jacob explains that Quil will take care of her and look after her until she is old enough to understand. After hearing the story Bella asks Jacob when he will imprint and he answers with a resounding "Never." Jacob confesses that he will never see anyone but Bella ­ even when he closes his eyes, all he sees is her. Even the pack is sick of it. Bella starts to feel uncomfortable and suggests leaving. Jacob protests promising to be "her Jacob" from now on.

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Eclipse fourth chapter (Nature)

Eclipse, Chapter 4 (Nature) The chapter opens with Bella having a bad week. She has accepted the fact the Victoria is still after her because, in all honesty, she never expected her to stop. However, Bella is feeling the need to be changed more now than ever. Carlisle and the others aren't that concerned has there are seven of them. Edward's one reply is that he will have the discussion with her if she meets his condition. Edward goes away hunting with Emmett and Jasper leaving Alice in charge of watching Bella. Bella is hoping to keep her time occupied by working and helping Angela. Unfortunately when she gets to Newton's they don't need her to work and a flyer saying

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Summary: It's Bella's second day at her new school and while it is a better day in some ways, in others it is much worse. Mike continues to be very friendly, much to Eric's displeasure, which Bella finds flattering, however, she is not interested in Mike and realises she will have to do something about his over-friendly behaviour. Bella is also feeling more confident because she recognises more faces and people are looking at her less than the day before ­ something that, for Bella, is very important. Her day gets worse when she gives the wrong answer in Trig and has to play Volley-ball ending up hitting her team mate on the head with the ball ­ giving us further proof of her clumsy nature. However, the worst part of this second day is that Edward Cullen is not in school and for some reason Bella can't stop thinking about him and his behaviour of the previous day. She feels nervous and uncomfortable, waiting to see if he is in school. Bella feels as if his lack of

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8 allalaadimist

Eclipse book review

Information: Book name: ,,Eclipse"(Twilight saga 3 book) Author: Stephenie Meyer The year on release: on August 7, 2007 (translated into Estonian in 2009) Publishing house: Little, Brown Main characters: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Charlie Swan, Victoria Plot: "Eclipse" book is the third book in the Twilight series. It contains over 27 chapters and 629 pages. "Eclipse" is a novel by the younger generation. It's a great love story. The book is a little fancy. It continues the story of 18-year-old Bella Swan and her vampire love, Edward Cullen. Bella wants to become a vampire, but Edward does not like this idea. Bella falls steadily hazards and from there the adventure starts.

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Eclipse review

"Eclipse" (Twilight saga 3 book) by Stephenie Meyer - review of 2 chapters This book contains over 27 chapters and almost 600 pages. Every Twilight saga book is thicker than previous book. I read it in English because it isn't released in Estonian yet. Eclipse opens with Bella Swan and her boyfriend Edward reunited after their tortuous parting in New Moon. Bella's eventual transformation into a bloodsucking immortal is now guaranteed, yet all is not well in the drizzly town of Forks, Washington. Now Charlie - Bella's dad - hates Edward little bit because of all pain what he had brought to Bella. Bella is grounded too now and Edward only can visit her afternoon until 9 PM. But anyway Edward climbs to Bella's room after Charlie's fallen asleep. Charlie want that Bella

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58 allalaadimist

Eclipse book presentation

,,Eclipse" Stephenie Meyer INTRODUCTION v Book name: ,,Eclipse"(Twilight saga 3 book) v Type of book: novel, love story v Author: Stephenie Meyer v My overall impression: It's a great love story. The book is a little fancy. v Brief summary of the setting and plot: It continues the story of 18yearold Bella Swan and her vampire love, Edward Cullen. Bella wants to become a vampire, but Edward does not like this idea. Bella falls steadily hazards and from there the adventure starts. SUMMARY OF THE PLOT Main characters: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black , Charlie Swan, Victoria, Alice Cullen Plot: Edward and Bella apply to colleges, before that Bella wants to meet her werewolf friend, Jacob Black but Edward thinks it unacceptable because Bella could be in danger. Edward fears for Bella's safety. Alice Cullen, vampire and Edwards sister, has a vision that Victoria, a vampire who is hunting

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Summary: When Bella gets up to go to school she discovers that the temperature has dropped overnight, and now the rain slicked environment has turned into an ice covered one. She's grateful and touched that Charlie thought to plan ahead. He put chains on her tires so she could drive to school safely. She muses that she's not used to people taking care of her like that. No sooner than Bella parks her truck next to a tan car in the school parking lot she notices two things: 1) the all the Cullen and Hale students are standing across the parking lot, in particular Edward is staring at her in dismay, 2) Tyler Crowley has lost control of his van and it is careening toward her faster than she can get away. The next thing Bella knows, Edward knocks her to the ground, out of the way of the Tyler's van

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Summary: We meet high school junior Isabella Swan, or Bella as she prefers to be called. She is a very pale skinned brunette with a quick mind and a sarcastic sense of humor. She is leaving her mother and stepfather's home in Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father in Forks, Washington. She feels she needs to give her mother, Renee, space to be with her new husband, Phil, who is a minor league baseball ballplayer. She's apprehensive about moving in with her dad, Charlie, who is the town's sheriff. Up until now, they have only ever spent

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16 allalaadimist

"Videvik" sisukokkuvõte

Kuigi Bellale ei meeldi vihmased pilves ilmad ja isegi rohelus, ta ikkagi kolib isa juurde, sest ta tahab parimat oma emale. Ema on abielus elukutselise pesapalluriga ning mees peab ameti tõttu tihti reisima. Tütar sai aru, et ema teeb see õnnetuks kui ta ei saa oma mehega olla ja nii ta otsustas teha otsuse, et kolida isa juurde. Kuna Bella jaoks oli ta ema nagu parim sõbranna, siis ta tegi seda tema pärast, et ta oleks õnneliks. See oli suht isetu tegu, mis Bella tegi. Forksi kolides näeb ta üle mitme aasta jälle oma isa. Mõnesmõttes on Bella sarnane oma isale. Mõlemad ei suuda oma tunnetest vabalt rääkida ning neil pole midagi selle vastu, et omaette olla. Isa oli kolimise puhul Bellale üllatuse teinud ja kinkinud talle ühe vana auto. See auto oli tõesti vana ja kulunud värviga, aga tüdrukule hakkas see meeldima juba esimesest silmapilgust. Auto oli kuulunud Billy Blackyle, kes oli Bella isa Charlie sõber

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117 allalaadimist

Videvik ja Videvik saaga : noorkuu

Videvik Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) on olnud alati teistsugune, keeldunud massi sulamast. Uues koolis tutvub ta salaprase ja kena vlimusega Edward Culleniga (Robert Pattinson), kes erineb kigist poistest, keda Bella eales tundnud on. Intelligentne ja vaimukas Edward neks otsekui ta hinge kige salajasematesse soppidesse ning ige pea suudavad need kaks melda vaid teineteisest. Edward jookseb kiiremini kui lvi, ta suudab peatada paljaste ktega kihutava auto ja ta pole vananenud pevagi prast aastat 1918! Sarnaselt kigi vampiiridega on ta surematu, kuid tema suguvsa esindajatel puuduvad kihvad ning nad ei joo inimverd. Edwardi jaoks on Bella midagi, mida ta on oodanud viimased 90 aastat hingesugulane

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32 allalaadimist

Eclipse, Chapter Fourteen – Declaration

Chapter Fourteen ­ Declaration Bella, Edward, and Alice are in the school cafeteria discussing their upcoming graduation party. Bella thinks the planned assault on the newborns makes a party inappropriate. Alice counters that they need time to get a few things in order before the battle, and commemorating Bella's first (and only human) high-school graduation is entirely appropriate. Edward informs Bella of Jasper's concern that they get help in their fight against the newborns. Jasper and Carlisle are trying to track down old friends to join the fight including Maria, but nobody wants to involve the southerners. Edward is convinced that someone will help them: no one wants a visit from the Volturi. Bella feels physically ill at the thought of the Cullens putting themselves in harm's way, and can't even consider the possibility that Edward might be hurt, or worse.

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Eclipse first chapter- kokkuvõte

Summary: After receiving a heart wrenching note from best friend and werewolf Jacob Black, Bella seems more determined than ever to mend their broken friendship. Charlie has decided to release Bella from her punishment under the condition that she not neglect her other friendships, particularly that of Jacob Black's. Bella agrees, grateful for the freedoms this will give her to both spend time with Edward, and attempt to visit Jacob. Her freedom doesn't include a visit to the nearby city of Seattle Washington, which is currently the setting for a rash of serial killings that are Edward claims are the work of a vampire. After Edward arrives for his typical evening visit the two spend time filling out college applications and revealing, much to Charlie's dismay, that both have been accepted to Alaska University

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"Videvik" raamatuesitlus slaidshowna

"Videvik'' ­ Stephenie Meyer Teema Bella Swan kolib ema juurest isa juurde,kuna ema peab koguaeg reisima. Ta armub Edward Cullenisse,kes esimestel päevadel väldib Bellat. Bella saab teada,et Edward on vampiir, kuid ei karda. Bella ja Edwardi suhe viskub kaosesse,kui linna tulevad 3 teist vampiiri, kellest üks tahab Bella verd ning Bella muutub talle kinnisideeks. Bella ja Edward lahutatakse, kuid James saab Bella kätte ning saab peaaegu surma, kuid Edward ja ta pere tulevad ning päästavad Jamesi. Probleem Armastus inimese ja vampiiri vahel. Ühte tüdrukut tahab mitu poissi. Miljöö Enamus tegevusest toimub Forks'is, Washingtonis, kus Bella isa elab. Lühidalt mainitakse Phoenix'it, Arizonas. Mainitakse ka Jacksonville'i, Floridas. Tegelased Isabella "Bella'' Swan ­ Kohmakas "ohutõmbaja"

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Eclipse, Chapter Eighteen – Instruction kokkuvõte

Chapter Eighteen ­ Instruction As Alice's graduation party ends, Bella is anxious that Jacob's pack has aligned themselves with the Cullens against the newborns. Everyone reassures Bella there is no danger but she remains worried, agonizing over why her bad luck continually puts other people in harm's way. The wolves and the vampires intend to meet for a training session at 3:00 AM. Bella tells Edward she wants to accompany him. Edward notes that she is tired and says he doesn't want her present for any tensions between the two groups if the training experiment does not go well, but she insists. Ensured that Charlie is asleep for the night, Bella and Edward wait in her bedroom for the time to pass. Bella thinks seriously about forming a plan to keep her bad luck from affecting others. Edward makes one last effort to coax Bella into staying, but she refuses. He runs, carrying

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Eclipse seventh chapter(unhappy ending)- kokkuvõte

Eclipse, Ch.7.Unhappy ending Rosalie asks to speak with Bella so she can tell her why she wants her to remain human. Bella is surprised by this but welcomes Rosalie to talk with her. Rosalie begins her story by saying it was a simpler time because she was beautiful and everyone watched her and that was all she needed. Rosalie is candid about her vanity. Rosalie continues the story telling how she met Royce King the 2nd. All she ever wanted was to live comfortably and raise a child.

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Videviku ekraniseering

Stephenie Meyeri ,,Videvik" on tema niinimetatud ,,Videviku"-saaga esimene teos. See raamat sai väga ruttu ülemaailmseks bestselleriks. Teos räägib seitsmeteistkümneaastasest Isabella (Bella) Swanist, kes kolib ema juurest päikeselisest Arizonast vihmasesse Forksi linnakesse isa juurde elama ja seab oma elu ohtu, kui armub vampiiri, Edward Cullenisse. Raamatule on kirjutatud ka kolm järge ­ "Noorkuu", "Päikesevarjutus" ja "Koidukuma". Ilmumas on ka "Keskööpäike". Bella kolib oma isa juurde ema Renee pärast, et too saaks reisida koos oma uue abikaasa Phil Dwyeriga, kes on pesapallur. Ta saab oma isaga väga hästi läbi. Bella äratab oma uues koolis palju tähelepanu ja sõbruneb kiiresti ka teiste õpilastega. Vastupidiselt Bella ootustele üritab nii mõnigi poiss koolist tema tähelepanu võita. Kui Bella istub oma esimesel koolipäeval uues koolis Edward Culleni kõrvale, tundub talle, et Edward tõrjub teda. Pärast seda, kui Bella saab Jacob

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Eclipse, Chapter Sixteen – Epoch kokkuvõte

Chapter Sixteen ­ Epoch Unable to find something to wear to graduation thanks to the fact that her red blouse was stolen, Bella mopes around her room until Alice shows up with a new outfit. Alice makes a comment about the thief followed by a comment about the activity in Seattle. Hearing the two placed together like that makes something click in Bella's brain. She realizes that the two situations ­ the thief in her room and the newborn vampires in Seattle are related. She also figures out that the thief only broke into her house as a test to see how easy it was to get in

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3 allalaadimist

Eclipse second chapter

Eclipse Chapter 2 As Bella attempts come to terms with both the end of her high school career and her chosen future, her friends are all busily excited with preparations for graduation. In the middle of these excited discussions Alice Cullen receives a vision of the future. But as Bella tries to discover the content of that vision, she finds her attempts being artfully dodged by both Alice and Edward. After returning home that afternoon, Bella enjoys time with Edward and emails her mother Renee. During this exchange Edward finds the stereo Bella received as a birthday gift from Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper in the bottom of Bella's closet. After vowing to replace it before anyone discovers its current condition, he suggests celebrating Bella's new found freedom with a trip to Florida, by using the airline tickets she received as a gift from Carlisle and Esme for her birthday

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Eclipse,Chapter Fifteen – Wager, kokkuvõte

Chapter Fifteen ­ Wager Jacob waits for Bella to respond to his declaration of love, but she can't think of anything to say. She stutters and tries to leave, but Jacob pulls her back attempting to explain that he knows how she's feeling. He asks her point blank if she wants him to go away and never see her again. Bella admits that she wouldn't want that. She says she misses Jacob when he's not around, but only when he's happy. She goes on to say it's because he's like family, and that she only loves him... and is not in love with him. Jacob is pleased enough by this, and says he'll "stick around." Bella feels uncomfortable, especially when Jacob affectionately touches and caresses her. She asks him to behave himself, but Jacob replies that she'll have to take him or leave him the way he is, since he will

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Eclipse, Chapter Twenty – Compromise kokkuvõte

Chapter Twenty ­ Compromise The chapter opens with Bella preparing to spend the night at the Cullens. She is concerned about the others left in Forks but is grateful that her loved ones are out of harm's way. Edward has made arrangements for Bella and him to be alone at the house. He just wants her to relax. Bella has decided there is something she wants before she is changed but is nervous about talking it over with Edward. Bella arrives at the house and is greeted with several kisses from Edward who is excited about giving Bella a hand me down present. Edward gives Bella a "crystal" heart that reminds her of him for being hard and sparkly. Edward places the charm on the bracelet that Jacob gave her. Bella decides to negotiate with Edward. She tells him that she wants him before she is

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Eclipse, Chapter Seventeen – Alliance kokkuvõte

Chapter Seventeen ­ Alliance As Bella arrives at his house, Edward rushes out to kiss her in a tense, uneasy way that makes her nervous. He promises that nothing will happen to her and leads her into the house for the party. Alice has transformed the house into an amazing nightclub, which Bella finds a bit over whelming. In the moments before the party, the Cullens discuss their plan for attacking the newborns in Seattle while Bella listens on. Everyone invited to the party arrives. The normalcy of the event keeps Bella somewhat distracted as she goes from guest to guest to guest with Edward glued to her side. When he did leave her side, it left Bella suspicious. Bella follows him to find that Alice has seen something and no one is telling Bella about it. At the same time, Jacob and a few others from La Push have arrived, much to Alice and Edward displeasure

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raamatuesitlus Taavi Poll 10d Raamatust: Raamatu pealkiri: "Videvik" Autor: Stephenie Meyer Ilmunud aastal 2008. Kirjastus Pegasus. Raamatu tõlkinud eesti keelde: Marge Paal Sündmuskoht Teose sündmustik leiab aset väikeses Forksi linnas, kus elab natuke üle 3000 inimese ning kus kõik inimesed tunnevad üksteist. Peategelased Edward Cullen - vampiir Isabella Marie Swan Renee Swan ­ Bella ema Charlie - Bella isa Phil Dwyer ­ Bella uus pesapallurist isa James ­ jäljekütt, ihkab Bella surma Carlisle Cullen ­ väikelinna arst Cullenite pere ­ vampiirid, kes toituvad ainult loomade verest Jacob Black ­ Swanide pere tuttav Victoria ­ Jamesiga koos Laurent ­ kuulub Jamesi gruppi Sisukokkuvõte Isabella Swan kolib Arizonast süngesse Forksi linna oma isa Charlie juurde ning kohtub seal Edward Culleniga. Bella armub Edwardisse ning saab peagi

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40 allalaadimist

Eclipse, Chapter Ninteen – Selfish kokkuvõte

Chapter Ninteen ­ Selfish After staying out all night to watch the Cullens' battle exercises, Bella sleeps late into the following afternoon. When she wakes, Edward reminds her that she could -- and should -- have stayed behind, but she insists that she is now part of the family and should be included. While she's getting breakfast, Edward notices Jake's wolf charm dangling from Bella's wrist. He asks to see it and for a fleeting instant Bella worries he might break it. But he only points out the inequity: Jake is allowed to give her presents and he is not. Bella shrugs and says that Edward has already given her more than she could ever deserve: himself. Each reflects for a moment on the other's ridiculous inability to see themselves clearly. Edward asks if she would accept a charm from him too. Nothing expensive: a hand-me-down. Bella agrees, relieved that his reaction was no worse.

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Twilight New Moon analüüs

ISESEISEV TÖÖ SUHTLEMISPSÜHHOLOOGIAS Videvik: Noorkuu on Stephenie Meyeri fenomenaalselt eduka romaanisarja teine film, kus võtab sureliku ja vampiiri armastus sootuks uued mõõtmed kui seda esimeses filmis näha võis. Bella Swan, keda kehastab Kristen Stewart, satub ihaldatud üleloomuliku maailma saladuste keerisesse, mässides end ülepeakaela veelgi suuremasse hädaohtu. Oma analüüsi aluseks võtsin tuntud kirjaniku Stephine Meyeri romaanisarjast tulnud teise filmi nimega ,,Twilight: The New Moon" , kus põimuvad mitme erineva rassi esindajate suhted. · Suhted üldiselt. Filmi peategelane Bella Swan on pilgeni armunud vampiiri nimega Edward Cullen, kelle

Psühholoogia → Suhtlemispsühholoogia
18 allalaadimist

Eclipse third chapter(Motives)

Eclipse Chapter 3-Motives Edward and Bella are returning from their trip to Florida as Bella recounts one pointed conversation she had with her mother, Renee, during their visit. Upon arrival at home Charlie expresses missing Bella while she was away, especially her cooking, and tells her to call Jacob as soon as possible. Jacob, who had apparently been calling frequently that day, called again. Confused at the strange conversation she just had with Jacob, Bella begins to cook for Charlie and try to decipher the meaning behind Jacobs words. Moments later, Bella theorizes that Jacob was checking up on her to see if she had run off to be "changed". The following day Bella is met with a surprise visitor at school. Jacob has come to relay a message to the Cullen family. In doing so, Edward is forced to reveal his real reason for taking Bella away for the weekend; Victoria is back. With that frightening information, along

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Stephenie Meyer „Koidukuma"

on ilmunud neli raamatut: 2005. aastal ,,Videvik", 2006. aastal ,,Noorkuu", 2007. aastal ,,Päikesevarjutus" ja 2008 aasta sügisel ,,Koidukuma". Ka Stephenie Meyeri täiskasvanutele mõeldud ,,Hosti" on saatnud suur menu. · Põhjustagajärg seos: 1. Kuna Bellal oli raske sünnitus, pidi Edward ta vampiiriks muutma. 2. Kuna Volturid arvasid, et Bella ja Edwardi laps on surematu, tahtsid nad Cullenid ja ohtu kujutava lapse tappa. 3. Kuna Bella oskas oma ,,kilpi" üle kogu oma perekonna ja sõprade panna, ei saanud Volturid neile midagi halba teha. 4. Kuna Alice leidis Renesmeega sarnase surematu lapse, kes oli nüüd juba teismeline, ja kuna ta polnud ohtlik, ei olnud ka Volturidel põhjust Renesmeed tappa.

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"Noorkuu" slaidiesitlus

Ta lõpetas seal keskkooli ja astus Brigham Youngi ülikooli Utah's, mille lõpetas bakalaureusena inglise kirjanduses. Tegevusaeg Romaani tegevustik toimub peamiselt tänapäeval Washingtoni osariigi väikses Forksi linnas. Inimeste käitumine ja riietus on omane tänapäevasele. Kuid romaani tekst viib ka tagasi minevikku, lausa aastasse 1918. Kõrval- ja peategelastest Tegelaste hulk on selles raamatus suur, seepärast toon välja vaid pea- ja mõned kõrvaltegelased: Bella, Charlie, Edward, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Jacob, Sam, Embry, Paul, Jared, James, Victoria, Laurent, Jane, Alec, Aro, Marcus, Caius, Alex, Jessica, Mike, Angela. Isabella Seitsmeteist-aastane Isabella "Bella" Swan kolib oma isa Charlie juurde väiksesse Forksi linnakesse. Seal hakkab teda huvitama müstiline klassivend Edward Cullen, kes on tegelikult 108-aastane, kuid 17-aastaselt vampiiriks muudetud. Kuigi alguses üritab Edward armastust ära hoida,

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11 allalaadimist

Eclipse chapter10(Scent)-kokkuvõte

Eclipse, Ch.10.Scent The Chapter starts with Edward leaving, because Jacob is on his way over. When Jacob gets there, Bella finds him wearing only his cut off jeans, and she is slightly put off by the fact that he always seems half naked. Jacob tells her that he has to carry his clothes around with him using a strap that is wrapped around his calf. Jacob decides to get to work and asks Bella where the intruder's scent was the strongest. When she replies her bedroom, his response is similar to what Edward's had been. But Jacob goes up and inspects the area like he was asked to. When Jacob returns he says that he caught the scent. As Bella washes the dishes, Jacob begins to ask her questions about her and Edward's relationship, centering on how she feels about him being a vampire and when she is planning on being changed

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Videvik- Stepheine Meyer

Videvik- Stepheine Meyer Põhitegelased: Bella Charlie Eric Jessica Edward Cullen Emmet Cullen Rosalie Cullen Jasper Cullen Alice Cullen Esme Cullen Doktor Cullen Billy Jacob Renee Mike Laurent Viktoria James Lühikokkuvõtte Ema sõidutas Bellat lennujaama, et Bella saaks lennata Bella isa juurde Forksi veidikeseks elama. Bella isa elas ikka seal väikeses majas Forksis, kus ema Bellaga põgenes, kui Bella väike oli. Charlie e. Bella isa andis Bellale ühe vana auto, mille Jacob oli korda teinud. Bellale anti see selleks, et Bella saaks kooli sõita ja koolist tagasi, kuna kooli oli pikk tee. Järgmisel päeval, kui ta kooli läks ei tundnud ta oma klassikaaslasi. Kuna Jacob ei käinud temaga koos ühes koolis. Ja ta ei ole üldse peagu siin Forksis käinud. Aga selle eest ta sai kohe esimesel päeval endale klassist palju tuttavaid. Talle hakkasid kohe imelikuna tunduma

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
40 allalaadimist


Noorkuu Videviku saaga teine osa, Noorkuu, räägib raamatu jätkust. Edward Cullen( Robert Pattison), vampiir, keda Bella armastab, lahkub ootamatult Bellast (Kristen Sterward ). Bella murdub ning satub masendusse, hiljem taastab suhted oma ammuse tuttava Jacobiga ( Taylor Launter ) ning tekib tugev sõprusside. Hiljem saab Bella teada, et Edward kavatseb teha enesetapu, kuna arvab, et Bella hüppas kaljult alla ning sai surma. Bella võtab ette teekonna Edwardi päästmiseks, mis aga seab ohtu tema suhted Jacobiga, kes, tuleb välja, on libahunt, vampiiride ainuke vaenlane. Filmi lõpus Bella päästab Edwardi ning nad naasevad koju. Jacob lõpetab suhted Bellaga ja Edward esitab Bellale abieluettepaneku. Sellega lõppeb teine osa. Minu arvates oli film tegelikult hea. Kuna olen ka raamatut lugenud ja samuti näinud ning vaadanud ka esimest osa sain ma hästi aru ning nautisin filmi. Kuid

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30 allalaadimist

Eclipse ninth chapter(Target)- kokkuvõte

Eclipse, Ch.9.Target Bella returns home from the Cullens to find a message from Jacob. He is sorry and wants her to call him. Bella heads to her room and discovers that there are things missing: a pillow, some laundry, and some socks. When Edward arrives, he is alerted to the scent of a vampire he doesn't recognize. Quickly, Edward takes Bella to Alice while Jasper and Emmett comb the woods and keep on eye on Charlie. Alice is frustrated because she didn't see anything. Edward is angry that someone got past Alice's sight. Alice is overloaded with watching so many things. Their first thought is that the Volturi paid Bella a visit, but Alice is sure she would have seen that. They ponder whether or not Cauis or Jane would have sent anyone. Emmett and Jasper return saying the visitor left hours ago and used a car. The Cullens

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Éclipse chapter 12 - kokkuvõte

Chapter Twelve -Time Walking to the car after school, Alice discloses to Bella that she is planning a graduation party for her and it suddenly dawns on Bella that graduation is only a week away. The deadline agreed for Carlisle to change her into a vampire is almost upon her -- and she realizes in a panic that she isn't ready to leave her human life behind, even though it's what she's wanted more than anything. Without her realizing it, the time for preparing herself has slipped away. Alerted by Bella's stricken silence on the way home, Edward drags an admission out of her

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Eclipse fifth chapter (Imprint)

Eclipse Chapter 5, Imprint The chapter opens with Jacob and Bella still at La Push. There is an awkward silence between them and Bella begins to ask about the others. Jacob confirms that Quil has indeed phased and is ecstatic about being a wolf. Jacob says that most of the others are happy as well except for him and Sam. Sam has had plenty of time to get over everything so it is really just Jacob that is the cry baby. Bella asks about Sam's story and Jacob warns her that it is long and strange. Jacob begins by telling Bella that Sam had it the hardest because he was first and didn't know what was going on. Once the elders discussed with him what had happened, he waited for the others to come of age. At the time of the change Sam was in love and dating Leah Clearwater. All that changed when Leah's cousin Emily visited. When Sam saw Emily it was love at first site, soul mates

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Charles Dickens "Our Mutual Friend"

A young man called John Harmon stands alone on the deck of a ship sailing up the River Thames. He looks down at the dark river and asks himself that is that right to come back. His father is dead and John is rich now, when he will marry a girl he has never seen. That was told in his father's will, where is told that John Harmon will inherit all his father's money when he will marry a certain girl who is named Bella Wilfer. It is an autumn evening and dark shadows are covering the river. There is a boat and in it is sitting Jesse Hexam with his daughter Lizzie. Suddenly, another boat appears and the man in it starts to talk with Jesse. He is called Rogue Riderhood and he says that Jesse is his partner, but Jesse doesn't agree with this and he asks Lizzie to row home as fast as she can. While rowing, they find a drowned man at the end of the boat's rope. Later Mortimer Lightwood,

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9 allalaadimist

Marc Chagall

Ta mõistis et piltide kopeerimisest ei piisa, selleks et kunstnikuks saada peab ta õppima. Emale oma plaanist räääkides sai ta esijalgu noomida, isa esitas vähem küsimusi kuid andis viis rubla joonistamistundide eest tasumiseks. Kunstiõpetajaks oli tal Jehuda Penil, Jehudal oli noorele Chagallile vähe õpetada, loobudes kasutute tundide eest rahavõtmast ja lasi poisil ateljees omapead töödata. Kui Marc Bellaga kohtus oli ta juba poolteist aastat üliõpilane Peterburis. Armastus Bella vastu tekkis Marcil esimesest silmapilgust, ta tundis kohe, et armastab Bellat, mitte kedagi teist. Bella külastas Marci tema ateljees, viis talle lilli, kuid oma naiseliku vaistuga oskas oma tundeid varjata ning teeskles ükskõiksust. Pariisis esimest korda Chagall unistas väga pikka aega Pariisist. Ka kontaktsid prantsuse avangardistlike kunstiringkondadega veensid teda, et Venemaal puudusid võimalused end arendada ja täielikult väljendada

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
59 allalaadimist


Videvik Sisukokkuvõte: Bella (Kirsten Stewart) abiellub Edwardiga (Robert Pattinson). Bella jääb Edwardist rasedaks. Jacob (Taylor Lautner) on ängistunud. Ah et käes on siis see osa aastast, kus ,,Videvik" kinno jõuab. Miljardid mehed üle maakera närivad küüsi teadmatuses, kas Jacob või Edward on piisavalt romantiline, et unistust neist sunnib naisi oma kaasasid maha jätma. Sel ja teistel põhjustel vihkavad väga paljud inimesed ,,Videviku" kui nähtust juba ette ja ei anna ,,Koidukuma" esimesele osale võimalustki. Ja see on ebaaus, sest film väärib objektiivsut!

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S.Meyer raamat Eclipse - kokkuvõte

friendship ,what in time will become more affectionate .But it all ends when Edward comes back and they decide to be together again. Bella's high school graduation is approaching and she will soon be leaving Forks forever, to go to college - but in reality she is planning to become an vampire and will therefore be unable to return home, because of a terrible blood lust that will possess her in the first few years. There are quite many storylines .Besides the graduation and Bella becoming a vampire ,the third important story is about dangerous vampires in Seattle who Cullen's have to fight with in order to save their own image and also Bella's life . The third book also shows the light on how the Cullen's became vampires and how the werewolves came into existence. These parts mix well with the storyline of Bella being still hunted by the revenge seeking vampire Victoria (from the second book) who has formed an army of new born vampires to destroy Cullens and Bella

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16 allalaadimist

Eclipse 11th chapter (legends) - kokkuvõte

Chapter Eleven ­ Legends Bella accompanies Jacob to a council meeting of the elders of the tribe, where she sees the rest of the pack, who welcome her as a friend. She is surprised to find Sue Clearwater and her two children, Seth and Leah, at the bonfire as well, and surmises that they must now also be in on the secret. After a lighthearted meal, Bella realizes it's getting late and she needs to go home, but Jacob quickly lets her know the night is for more than fun. The elders then tell the stories of the pack's origins and legends that have been passed down for generations. While Emily takes notes, Billy tells the story of how the Quileutes came to be werewolves. They were originally spirit warriors, able to leave their bodies to defend their tribe, but when the last great chief, Taha Aki, merged his spirit with that of a wolf after

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Ladina keele käändkondade tabelid.

Dat. Mundo Mundis Kellele? Millele? Maailmal Maailmatel e e Acc. Mundum Mundos Keda? Mida? Maailma Maailmaid Abl. Mundo Mundis Kellega? Millega? Maailmag Maailmateg a a Voc. Munde Mundi Kes? Mis? Maailma Maailmad Bellum ­ sõda, i n. ainsus mitmus Nom. Bellum Bella Kes? Mis? Sõda Sõjad Gen. Belli Bellorum Kelle? Mille? Sõja Sõdade Dat. Bello Bellis Kellele? Millele? Sõjale Sõdadele Acc. Bellum Bella Keda? Mida? Sõda Sõdu Abl. Bella Bellis Kellega? Millega? Sõjaga Sõdadega Voc. Bellum Bella Kes? Mis? Maailma Maailmad III Käändkondgen=is Ordo, dinis ­ kord m.

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72 allalaadimist

The rewiev of Twilight

The Review Twilight is the story of Edward and Bella's romance. Forget any vampire romance you have read before, Twilight is so unique it is almost like it's in its own genre. The book is marketed at Young Adult readers but it has the ability to cross age barriers and will satisfy both teenagers and adults alike. The story is told in first person from the perspective of Bella, so the reader only ever know what she knows, making Edward and his family a mystery that is slowly unravelled through out the book. Even by the end of the book I was still thirsting for more of the Cullen family back story - hopefully their characters might be developed further in future books. Bella herself is a well written and realistic character, shy and lacking in confidence, her sarcastic inner voice narrates the story for the reader. Twilight is simply and yet beautifully written

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
16 allalaadimist


I käändkond -a II käändkond - o N. silva silvae N.hortus horti G. silvae silvarum G.horti hortarum D. silvae silvis D.horto hortis Acc. silvam silvas Acc.hortum hortos Abl. silva silvis Abl.horto hortis II käändkond ­ um III Käändkond N.bellum bella N. Color colores G.belli bellarum G. Coloris colorum D.bello bellis D. Colori coloribus Acc.bellum bella Acc. Colorem colores Abl.bello bellis Abl. colore coloribus IV käändkond ­ us IV käändkond - u N.fructus fructus N.cornu cornua G.fructus fructu|um G.cornus cornuum D.fructui fructibus D.cornu cornibus Acc

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117 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun